Chapter 178

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"She keeps calling me Agent Salt," Adriana told Bruce. 

"It's a complement," Bruce laughed. "I'm sure Harri loves your new hair."

"I guess," Adriana shrugged and put away the bottles of milk she had just pumped.

"How was therapy today?" Bruce asked.

"It was fine," Adriana said quickly. She was beginning to hate discussing her therapy with Bruce. He always looked so sad for her, even though he did his best not to. 

Every time they discussed it, she just wanted to try again and again to make him see the truth. She was beginning to realize that therapy wasn't only making her feel worse because she was confessing so many truths to Dr. Kapoor. She was feeling worse because she was feeling like more of a liar, even though she had tried to tell Bruce the truth.

She thought of what Lucius told her. She had already given her best attempts at explaining things to Bruce, and continuing to do so would likely only antagonize him and make him even more worried about her. Keeping the secret wasn't lying since she had already told him the truth, but it would never feel like she wasn't lying because she knew he refused to accept her words.

Lucius thought leaving it was, at least for the time being, the best option. He told her that eventually, Dr. Kapoor would report to Bruce the truth. They had to hold out.  At least until the Joker was gone. But Adriana felt a pressing need to keep trying. She didn't know why.

"Will you have another session tomorrow?" Bruce asked.

"I don't know yet," Adriana said. "I haven't scheduled anything but Dr. Kapoor said he will be here for 4 hours in the morning."

Bruce nodded. 

At that moment, the penthouse went dark.  All of the lights shut off. Adriana felt Bruce walk by her, amazed at how quickly he was able to see in the pitch black.

"Bruce?" Adriana asked and followed the sound of his footsteps.

"Power's still on everywhere else," Bruce said and pulled out his phone. "Except here..the medical facility.."

"Oh," Adriana said quietly.

"I'll reset the breakers," Bruce said. "Probably just a power surge."

"The breakers?" Adriana asked.

"The ones here and the ones downstairs," Bruce explained at kept walking.

"I can do that," Adriana said. "I'll reset the ones downstairs."

Her eyes were adjusting to the dark and she saw Bruce turn to her after opening a drawer and pulling out a flashlight.

"How about you take the one here and I'll go downstairs," Bruce offered and turned on the light.

"No," Adriana said before he could say anything else and took his flashlight. "I mean..I've got it. I'll be right back."

Adriana walked away quickly, knowing for a fact that she did not want Bruce to have any reason to go downstairs. 

"If you insist," Adriana heard Bruce say behind her as he rummaged for another flashlight.

There was a small, short stairwell that led down to the medical facility and Adriana decided to take it since she was unsure if the elevator was working. Adriana had only ever been in this stairwell one time, it was barely ever used. She ended up in the medical facility a minute later and walked through a side hallway with her flashlight on.

The entire facility was dark, and Adriana didn't know where the Joker was. The stairwell was relatively close to his bedroom. She walked by it and saw the door was open, the bed was made, and the room was empty. Once she was in the hall again, she felt silly. She had no idea where the breaker was. The facility was huge, and it could have been anywhere. She would look for it. She was more concerned with where the Joker was, in case Bruce decided to come down after resetting the breakers in the penthouse. The Joker would need to hide.

Divination (Joker x Batman x OC)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant