Chapter 34

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"I sincerely hope neither of us will regret this," Lucius said as he and Adriana entered a freight elevator in Wayne Enterprises.

"Don't worry, I can take care of myself," Adriana said, even though she was entirely unsure of herself.

Lucius turned and gave her a doubtful look as the elevator doors opened. After they left the elevator Adriana saw what appeared to be an enormous storage facility. A very spacious area which seemed to be a basement with high walls, and random things everywhere. A floor waxer, a large ironing board, canned foods and more. There were several boxes and cases that were stacked in every corner. Several rows of servers on the left side of the enormous room caught Adriana's attention. Everything looked like it could possibly be just junk, but she could see lights flickering from the aisles of servers.

"Right this way," Lucius said.

He let her over to a stack of black cases and started to press buttons that unlocked one that was on the top.

"What is this place?" Adriana asked but she could see Lucius' thoughts. There was an enormous amount of weaponry stored in this area. Black cases full of everything the Batman could ever need.

"Storage," Lucius answered plainly.

He opened the case in front of him and Adriana looked into it. Her breath was taken away by the material of the suit. The first thing that came to mind was that she could not even really tell what color it was. It seemed to be a merger of dark, very dark blue, and black but at times she felt she could see flickers of purple and possibly red. It didn't appear to reflect any light but seemed to have a sheen of its own. She placed a hand in the air over it and it went completely black under the faint shadow of her hand. She had never seen anything like it.

"Wow, what material is this?" Adriana asked.

"It does not have a name yet," Lucius answered. "This material was recently invented. Frankly, I was quite happy to have something to make just to try it out. I was considering making something for Bruce with it... possibly redoing his entire suit or at least parts of it. But he is not fond of the appearance of this material."

"Well, it is a little.." Adriana searched for the words. "Feminine. So he's seen it?"

Though the suit was dark there were many colors when the light hit it correctly. It was elegant.

"Yes," he said. "He barely looked at it before giving it a 'no', so I do not believe he would recognize it or even remember the material if he were to see it again...if that is your concern."

She nodded.

"It's entirely bulletproof," Lucius said.

"Really?" Adriana reached into the case and touched the suit. "It feels smooth and soft."

"The material solidifies preventing bullet penetration," he said. If the object striking you passes a certain speed it will solidify. Which means, you will feel pain, more than you would with a bulletproof vest for instance. But this material is infinitely more flexible."

She nodded again.

"The only downside to this material is that is does not protect against knives or blades. It can be cut. Not easily, but it is possible," he said.

"That's okay. I'm good at disarming anyone holding a knife for blade. I've been practicing a lot with Bruce."

"That's great," Lucius said not sounding entirely convinced. "I'd prefer it if you would avoid any serious fighting in this."

"So, it can stop a bullet but not a knife," she said.

"The material contracts when hit with something blunt at a certain speed," he explained. "Not a pointed edge at a much slower speed. It will give you some protection as it is not cut easily but it is not entirely blade resistant. It is reinforced around the vital organs."

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