Chapter 57

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Adriana sat at her kitchen table in her robe, holding and looking at the Joker card. If she looked closely enough she could see the outline of numbers. She tilted it in the light. There was a phone number etched into the card. The reflection of her face in the glass of her top double oven caught her attention. She looked terrified. And angry at the same time.

Who did he think he was? Did he really think he could control her and tell her what to do? There was no way she would work for him. All she could do was be relieved that she was still alive and had about 5 hours until she was supposed to call the number. Time to think. Time to plan. She needed to be strategic.

Planning would be easy...if she knew what to expect. But she didn't. All she knew was that he had threatened to kill children. Could she kill him? 

She thought about it seriously. Even last night, she struggled with the thought of pushing him through the hole in the floor. The thought of the sound of a body hitting the ground, the final thoughts as the person slipped away was too much. But what about a distance kill?

Perhaps, just maybe, she could poison him. She stood quickly and walked over to the drawer by her counter top and pulled out the vial. The vile of acid the she had stolen from Club Core on her first night out as Shade. She still had it. She held it in her fist and contemplated the power of it, and how many lives it could save. Something deadly could become a miracle. If she was strong enough and smart enough to actually find a way to use it.

Her head began to hurt so she walked over to her couch and laid down,still clutching the vial. Before she knew it, she was asleep.

Her dreams to her to another world. A calm, peaceful, beautiful one. Her sister handing the ice cream to the little boy, looking down at him lovingly, as he walked over to the table to eat it. The inside of her mouth cooled as her sister fed her a spoonful of ice cream and she smiled. Her gaze drifted over the boy and she felt overwhelming love, unlike anything else she had ever known. She felt incredibly protective. As she looked at him, happily eating, she knew that she would kill for him. Her waking thoughts began to intrude the dream, as she felt herself waking up. 

She didn't want to wake up to reality, all she wanted was to stay here. Drifting out of sleep, she felt herself shaking with anger and sadness. The Joker's words in her memory...You look like the type of person that would sentimental towards..children. How about them? ...Every day there will be a dead child strung up in Gotham. 

The sound of her crying infiltrated the dream as she watched the little boy.

She wouldn't allow children to suffer.

She loved this child. Adriana felt herself smiling through tears as she finally woke up.

The glass vial was warm from being clutched in her hand the entire time. She looked at the liquid before sitting up. She would have to work for the Joker but only for as long as it took for her to find the perfect moment. The moment when he was having a drink, the moment she was able to sneak this poison into it.

If she didn't at least show up, and attempt to look like she was cooperating with his demands, she knew that he wouldn't hesitate to kill a child.




It was 11 o'clock. Time to make the call. 

She didn't want to do this! It took a great deal of restraint not to throw her phone at the wall. How long would he wait? Was he already in pursuit of the first child he would kill? Her eyes filled with tears, and she dialed the first three numbers again with blurring vision before exiting the keypad screen again. Not calling was not an option. She dialed the number and waited for an answer. There was none.

Divination (Joker x Batman x OC)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon