Chapter 39

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"Tonight's highlight story, a woman and her two children were rescued after being abducted and used as hostages after a bank robbery at Gotham's downtown branch at 4:15 this afternoon.

That's right Sandy, the family was rescued by Gotham's newest vigilante known by the public as Shade. All four of the robbers were taken into custody by the police with her help. Eyewitnesses say that is was an unbelievable sight.

Very impressive, Rick. Over the past few weeks we have seen her handling many potentially deadly situations in our city. Robbery, abduction, kidnapping, there anything Shade can't do?

I don't know Sandy but Gotham is certainly grateful."




"Mmm..." Adriana groaned into the pillow as she heard her phone ring. She was completely exhausted. "Ughhh.." Her eyes were blurry as she swiped the green button and planted her face back into the pillow.

"Hello?" she heard a voice on the other end of the phone after a few moments, since tiredness made her forget to say 'Hello' first.

"Yeah?" she said into the pillow with a croaky voice.

"Adriana?" she heard, finally recognizing Bruce's voice.

"Oh, Bruce," she said and sat up, pushing her hair back off of her face. "Hey."

"Did I wake you?" he asked.

"Umm.." she wiped her eyes. "Sort of."

"Oh, I'm sorry," he apologized. "We had a training session tonight-"

"Oh, shit you're right," she said. "I'll be on my way soon."

"If you're tired, don't worry about it," he said kindly. "I was just making sure you were okay."

"I'm okay, a little tired but," she sighed. "I should train. Unless you're busy?"

"I have the next hour or so free," he said.

"Ok, I have to shower and stuff, but I'll be there in thirty minutes tops," she said and got out of bed.

"No problem," he said. "See you soon."




"You're doing great," Bruce complimented Adriana. "Impressive stamina. You're getting better and better."

"Thanks," Adriana said and finally dropped her arms from punching the bag.

"Want to do a bit of cardio?" Bruce asked. They had spent over 40 minutes sparring before the punching workout.

"Sure," she said.

"Treadmill?" he asked. "Jump rope? Or the bike?"

"I'll take the rope," she said, and he went to get it for her.

"Have you been checking out the news lately? Seen what's been happening with this new vigilante, Shade?" he asked as he reached for the rope.

Adriana looked at his back. She needed to be calm and speak about Shade casually, she reminded herself.

"Yeah...crazy," she said and took the rope as he handed it to her. "I've seen a few news stories. What do you think of her?"

Adriana started to jump rope.

"What do I think...about what?" Bruce said after several seconds, and Adriana could see he was distracted by watched her jump up and down.

"What do you think of the vigilante?" she said breathlessly. "Shade?"

Divination (Joker x Batman x OC)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ