Chapter 77

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"Damien," Adriana said after opening her front door. "Good afternoon."

"Hello," he said. "May I come in?"

Adriana stepped aside and let him in.

He immediately noticed the two bottles of blue colored liquid on the counter.

"What's this?" he inquired as he walked into her kitchen.

"Nothing," she said. "Why are you here?"

"Can I try some?" he asked.

"No," she said and opened a cupboard the put the bottles away.

"Okay," he said. "Don't want to share your blue hooch."

"Aren't you on duty?" she asked. She knew the days and times he usually worked, and he was in uniform.

"The party," he said, changing the subject. "We've been investigating as much as we could..with limited resources. Security footage self-destructing and all-"

"Why?" she asked him. "Nothing happened."

"Yeah, well we are all on high alert," he said. "Especially since one of the Joker's men said he was there."

"Well he could have been lying ," Adriana said. "If the police offered him a deal, he'd probably say anything."

"Yes," Damien said.

"Why are you talking to me about this?" she said and shut the cupboard.

"Well," he said. "We've been checking everything. Top to bottom.  I've been doing a little extra research on my own. You're on the guest ledger for the penthouse."

"Right..." she said. "I did stay over."

"And paid cash. Over 20 grand," Damien said.

"Yep," she shrugged.

"You didn't bring that much cash with you," he said and could see that she was getting annoyed.

"What is this? A shakedown? This third degree-" she said.

"No," he said sternly. "I'm just asking you to tell me the truth."

"Which is?" she asked.

"You left with some rich guy...and slept with him," he said. "DeMarco saw you leaving with someone."

She had no reason to spare Damien's feelings anymore. She did not care what he thought or felt about her.

"I met a guy at the party," she said. "He had the cash on him, and we got the room."

"Seriously?" Damien couldn't believe her level of honesty.

"Yes," she said. "Is there a problem?"

"Wow," he said and ran a hand through his hair. "I mean...I appreciate the honesty, but, Adri, this is not like you."

She said nothing.

"Was it Wayne?" Damien asked.

"Nope," Adriana said. 

"Why are you lying to me?" Damien said. "Are you afraid of him? He gonna hit you again? Knock out another tooth?"

"I never said he did that," Adriana said.

"Yeah, but you never fucking denied it," Damien said, sounding more frustrated. "Deny it now if it wasn't him."

Adriana was quiet.

"He hit you and he's the one you went to the penthouse with," Damien said.

"I didn't go to the penthouse with him," Adriana said. Damien was good at spotting a liar. She was telling the truth.

"Who?" Damien asked.

"Doesn't matter," Adriana said. "Please leave."

She could see Damien's anger. He couldn't control her. 




"I have the laughing gas," the Batman said to Shade.

She expanded her gift making sure that no one was around to see them together. The coast was clear. They were in the safety deposit room of a bank that had just been robbed. The police were on their way.

"Great," she said. "Phase one."

"Yes," he said, "I'm thinking of using it as an injection. I'll have a weapon procured to get it done."

"So..." she said and dropped the bag in the bank's lobby. "You think you can really kill him?"

"Of course," he answered. "You don't think I would?"

"I don't know," she said and placed both hands on her hips. "I've had many opportunities. One might think...maybe you have a soft spot for him."

"Absolutely not," the Batman assured her. "After what he's taken from closest friend...I will kill him without blinking. No hesitation."

"Okay," she said. "I gotta get out here. There's much more work to be done in the city tonight."


As she walked away, she felt her face drop. Did she still want him killed? She held her chest and realized, amazing sex didn't cancel out the fact that he was a killer.




The next morning Adriana opened her eyes and stretched her arms towards the ceiling and yawned. She stepped off of the bed and walked into her bathroom. Something was different...the world was strangely quiet. All at once, she understood. She could not hear any thoughts. She couldn't even reach her neighbors thoughts at all. She frowned and massaged her temples...nothing.

She ran into her kitchen and poured a glass of the blue potion and took several sips. She downed the entire glass..and another. Nothing happened.

Divination (Joker x Batman x OC)Where stories live. Discover now