Chapter 103

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Adriana watched the Joker step out of the back of the van. He was being transported, back to Arkham. Somehow the gas that had rendered all of the security unconscious hadn't affected him. He walked and walked through the wooded area, aimlessly. The sky was gray, the sun was barely up in the sky, and the air was brisk. His hands and feet were shackled, which was slowing him down. He couldn't find the keys on the guard in the back of the truck. He wasn't running, he wasn't walking slow, he was just moving.

Then he saw it..the bridge.

She watched him climb it. Was this real? How could she be seeing this? Once he was high enough, he looked over the edge. There were hundreds of rocks in the shallow water. She felt pain...her body ached immensely as she watched him. The pain was unbearable.

Stop! She heard herself shout to him. He glanced in her direction...his face bare, waves in his hair moving slowly in the wind, mostly blocking his eyes. He looked back down at the water, and she ran over, climbing the bridge much quicker than he had. She heard herself shouting again and again, telling him to stop, but he seemed to be ignoring her. Once she was beside him, she reached for his arm..But it was too late, he jumped. She couldn't look down.

Don't look down, don't look down, don't look down.

She looked...he wasn't there. All she could see was the rocks and water...her body felt wet. Like she had fallen into the water herself. And there it was again...immense pain.

Had she jumped? She felt herself screaming in pain but couldn't move. She was dreaming.




"Adriana!" she heard a loud voice, waking her.

Her eyes opened and she saw Bruce, standing beside the bed with both hands on her, trying to wake her. Her throat felt sore and raw like she had been screaming.

"Bruce?" she said and sat up, another wave of agony hitting her. "Ahhhh...God, I'm in so much pain-"

"Yeah," Bruce said and looked down at the bed, it was wet. "Your water broke...I've been trying to wake you, you were hollering."

"Ohhh..." she moaned in the torment. " is bad...this does it hurt so much? Something must be wrong-"

"It's okay," Bruce said. "The doctor is on his way."

"Okay.." she said as the wave of pain subsided. "Okay..It stopped."

"Good," Bruce said and kissed her forehead. "Don't worry. You can do this."

"Yeah," she said, still relishing the relief that the pain had stopped for now.

"I'll go get the door, that's him," Bruce said and left the room.

Adriana moved her feet to the edge of the bed and moved to standing on her feet. She felt okay at the moment, but despite the pain, she kept replaying her dream in her head. Looking down at the rocks after he jumped...he wasn't there. 

"How far apart are the contractions?" she heard Dr. Kapoor say to Bruce.

"The last two, about ten minutes," Bruce answered and they came into the room.

"Very good," Dr. Kapoor said, and looked at Adriana. "How are you feeling?"

"I'm alright," she said. 

"How long ago was the last contraction?" Dr. Kapoor asked and Bruce answered him.

"Less than two minutes ago," Bruce said.

Divination (Joker x Batman x OC)Where stories live. Discover now