Chapter 184

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"Da-" Arsenio started to say as soon as he saw Bruce come into the kitchen, finally home, but his mouth was full of the small bites of baby pasta Adriana was feeding him.

"Hi sweetheart," Adriana said as Bruce came into the kitchen.

"Hello," Bruce said and kissed both Adriana and Arsenio.

"How was your day?" Adriana asked.

"It was fine," Bruce said vaguely. 

His interaction with Sidi earlier in the day had changed his entire mood. 

"Can you check that for me?" Adriana asked Bruce upon hearing her phone vibrate.

Bruce picked up her phone.

"Shade app.." he said. "There's a bomb threat on a stalled subway train....stalled between Roosevelt and 8th."

As Bruce looked at the notification he felt the overwhelming urge to go himself. The city of Gotham hated the Batman for Dent's death and he had been inactive for months. But he knew in this moment that nothing would feel better than going. Vigilantism would help his frustration. He needed an accomplishment.

"I better get going-" Adriana said. 

"No," Bruce said. "I'll go."

"What?" Adriana asked and fed Arsenio another bite of pasta.

"I'll be quick," Bruce told her. "I'm sure I could defuse the bomb without even being seen."

" could I," Adriana reminded him. "The difference is, it won't start an uproar in the city if I am seen-"

"I'll be right back," Bruce said, ignoring her words and leaving quickly.




The tunnel was dark and the Batman walked on the tracks leading to the stalled train. Even though he couldn't see the train cars yet, he could hear commotion and raised voices. The passengers were highly distressed.

The Shade app told him almost everything he needed to know and what he needed to look for. He had the strong suspicion that the police would take ages to take down the illegal app, because they loved having Shade. The terrorist had called in remotely and stated that the bomb was attached to the train. 

The light from the inside of the train was in view and as he approached he activated the screens in his mask. It would allow him to see the bomb in the dark without having to look very hard. The wiring of a bomb would stick out like a sore thumb. Lucius' creation. He couldn't understand how his wife could function without such technology. It made these things much easier.

He found the bomb on the back car and knew that he would not be seen. Unless there was more than one bomb, which was possible. He disengaged the bomb quickly without the frantic passengers inside being able to see him. After he was done, he made a large and swift jump, pulling himself onto the top of the train. 

There was another bomb attached to the roof, three cars down.  He made his way down, making jumps over the space in between the train cars and deactivated the second bomb. He then went to the front car and back, no more bombs. 

He returned to the back car of the train, jumping off and leaving unseen.




"How did it go?" Adriana asked as she pulled Arsenio's pajamas out of his drawer.

"It was simple," Bruce said to Adriana. "But invigorating. I'm glad I went."

Divination (Joker x Batman x OC)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora