Chapter 5

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Adriana followed Lucius as they went into an elevator with a security guard standing by it. Once they were alone and the elevator door was closed, he answered her unasked questions.

"Mr. Wayne has made me aware of his work with you," Lucius answered and looked at Adriana. "He let me know that it was possible that you would arrive at Wayne Enterprises."

Adriana felt certain...Wayne was the Batman.

The elevator door opened, and Adriana saw the man himself. Recognized by all, Bruce Wayne stood before them.

"Welcome," Bruce Wayne said when he saw Adriana and Lucius Fox exiting the elevator. They had arrived onto a floor that Lucius needed to use his ID badge to access. The place was spacious and open, with tall glass windows that went up to the ceiling. The walls were a matte dark grey color, and the golden early evening sunlight made the environment look much warmer than Adriana imagined it would look under bright daylight.

"Good evening, Mr. Fox," a beautiful redhead said from behind an enormous white reception desk and Bruce walked away from her and over to them.

"Hello, Claire," Lucius responded and handed Bruce a file. "Have a good evening, Bruce."

"You do the same," Bruce replied.

Lucius smiled at everyone before leaving. 

"Well done," Bruce said to Adriana.

He was congratulating her for finding him. For figuring out who he was.

"Oh," Adriana replied. "Thanks." 

Like all the pictures she had looked at online, he was the same in person. Incredibly handsome. He wore a dark gray suit, almost the exact same color of the walls and a crisp white shirt with a deep gray tie that had very fine stitching in a brick like pattern. His hair was dark, smooth and lustrous as were his eyebrows. He carried himself with confidence, self-assuredness, and smiled in a way that encouraged trust.

"Can I get you something to drink?" the receptionist called to Adriana as she stood. "Or eat?"

"No, I'm alright," Adriana said with a smile. "But thank you."

"Okay," the girl said sweetly. "If that changes let me know and I'll be happy to get something for you."

"Thanks," Adriana said back.

"Follow me," Bruce said and Adriana did so.

He led her across the enormous open reception area and across another large room, which could have been a waiting room except it was gigantic and had only enough seats for maybe five people to sit. They went through a hallway and turned a corner to another.

"Right this way," Bruce said to break the silence as she followed behind him. He came to a door where he pressed his index finger against a small screen which flashed a green light after a second and Bruce was able to push the door open.

"Thank you," Adriana said as he stood beside the door holding it open for her.

The appearance of the office surprised her, since it was such a contrast to the very modern and almost cold ambiance of the rest of the building. The room was warm and inviting, with a dark wood desk and shelves of books. Beautiful deep red upholstery covered the seating, and the curtains were heavy and appeared to be Victorian. There was even a fireplace and a small bar across the room. He had two offices. One for serious business and professionalism and another one that felt homey and more personal.

"We can speak freely here," Bruce said after shutting door. "Entirely soundproof."

"Your receptionist is very nice," Adriana offered.

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