Chapter 182

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"It was the cutest thing," Adriana said to Lucius as she showed him a picture, she had taken of the Joker holding Arsenio while he slept.

"And if Bruce finds this picture?" Lucius asked.

"He doesn't go through my phone," Adriana replied.

"And Dr. Kapoor-" Lucius said.

"No," Adriana said to Lucius. "Dr. Kapoor is totally okay with it. He thinks this is a good thing and so do I."

Lucius nodded and smiled at the picture, which was admittedly sweet.

"It's just sad that he has to leave the day after tomorrow...I just wish there was more time," Adriana sighed.

"Well," Lucius said, still looking at the photo and feeling his heart warm. "I was considering postponing the flight."

"Really?" Adriana asked. "Why?"

"Hurricane Boyd," Lucius said. "It's a category 3 and although we have the aircraft to make the trip safe-"

"You should totally postpone it," Adriana said. "I mean we have great aircrafts, but you never know.."

"I can reschedule the flight for next week or the week after," Lucius said with a smile.

Adriana smiled and threw her arms around him. "Thank you!"




"So, Lucius said your flight will actually leave in 9 days," Adriana told the Joker.

"Did you ask him to?" the Joker asked her.

"No," she smiled.  "There's actually a really bad storm coming in the Gulf."

"I must remember to thank him," the Joker said as he and Adriana smiled at each other.

"So, I'll be able to bring Arsenio here to see you a few more times," she said.

"I'd appreciate that," he told her.

"Well, I have to get going," she said. "My husband will be back from work soon, I have to touch up this black hair dye, and I have a roast in the oven, and I've gotten wind there's something going down in Chinatown tonight that will require-"

"Shade," the Joker said. "You've very busy."

"I definitely am," Adriana said. "Oh...and I wanted to get to this party store that's having a 50% off sale before they close tonight. Arsenio's first birthday is coming up and I want to get decorations."

"Wife of Bruce Wayne shops sales," the Joker looked like he was holding in a laugh. "Who knew?"




"You're in a good mood," Bruce noticed as Adriana sat his dinner in front of him.

"I had a very productive day," Adriana told him. "It was a good day."

"I'm glad to hear it," Bruce said. "This smells great."

"Thanks," Adriana said and sat in front of her plate. "I was thinking, I could cook dinner every night."

"Hm?" Bruce said as he began to eat.

"And I wouldn't even really have to cook every night," she said. "We could have leftovers sometimes."

"Left overs?" Bruce asked as though the word was foreign to him.

"Yes," Adriana told him and rolled her eyes while smiling. "You should try them sometime."

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