Chapter 149

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Bruce made a sharp turn on the race track on the screen, tilting Arsenio in his lap. The baby squealed as Bruce gripped the steering wheel. Another car zoomed in front of him and Bruce sped up.

The game was Arsenio's favorite. They were in the game room at Wayne Manor and Bruce was driving in a racing arcade game, Arsenio holding his forearms.

"First place!" Bruce exclaimed when the game was over.  "We win again! Good teamwork!"

"Yahh!" Arsenio said. "Racing!"

"He knows how to say racing now?" Harri asked as she came into the game room.

Bruce turned and looked at her, as did Arsenio.

"Harri! We just learned how to say that word this morning," Bruce said and kissed the top of Arsenio's head.

"Good job!" Harri said and Arsenio reached out his arms in her direction.

She walked over and picked him up.

"So," Bruce said. "You just got in?"

"Yes," Harri said. "A few minutes ago."

"How was Chicago?" Bruce asked.

"It was nice," Harri said while Arsenio began to play with her necklace.

She and Bruce looked at each other quietly, both of them thinking about the elephant in the room. The letter.

The letter she left for Bruce before she left for Chicago for the weekend. The words she had written to him letting him know that she did not believe the Joker had harmed Adriana were in that letter. They couldn't discuss the letter now in front of Arsenio, he would understand them. They both had to bite their tongues for now.




The Joker stirred the sauce on his stove slowly while tilting the pan at an angle. He had seen Adriana do this several times. Cooking wasn't so hard, he thought.

He looked out at the pool in the backyard through his kitchen window.  The day was sunny and incredibly warm. The home that Lucius had given to him was beautiful. When the Joker had arrived a couple days ago, he almost couldn't believe how much effort and thought went into it. He had everything he needed. The home was fully furnished, kitchen stocked with food,closet full of clothes. 

He was aware that the property was monitored around the clock. There were no cameras in the house, but there was security outside on the gated premises. Once a week there would be grocery delivery and four days a week a team of housekeepers would clean. He was free to come and go from the property as he wished but he knew that he would be discreetly and invisibly followed. There was a garage with two vehicles for him to use, he had televisions, computers, and an in home bar. 

It seemed that no expense was spared. He was very comfortable, and he knew that in this place, perhaps, he could eventually find happiness.




"So..I assume you got my letter," Harri said as soon as Bruce came into the kitchen after putting Arsenio down for a nap.

"I did," Bruce said after a momentary pause.

"Okay...and?" Harri asked.

"Harri," Bruce said and walked over the kitchen island where she was sitting on a tall stool. He stood across from her and spoke very seriously. "I understand that you..believe that it's possible that Adriana and the Joker were somehow some kind of an..actual relationship. Where she..possibly wanted to be with him. And that whatever happened was consensual."

Divination (Joker x Batman x OC)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang