Chapter 145

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Harri put on the blindfold Lucius had given her after she got into the car. Before he pulled out of the garage, she began talking.

"This is so crazy," Harri remarked, feeling the car move but seeing nothing. "Bruce is the Batman...Adriana was Shade..and now the Joker is Arsenio's father. And looks like him! Things were so different a few days ago."

"All very true," Lucius commented.

"The craziest part..." Harri said.

"You just had a conversation with Gotham's most wanted?" Lucius asked at he made a turn on the road.

"Most wanted," Harri said.

Lucius turned to her and she was shaking her head.

"The craziest part," Harri went on. "Is that..that man is... he's hot."

"Oh, Harri-" Lucius began to silence her but she jumped back in immediately.

"I mean, seriously! He's gorgeous!" Harri exclaimed. "The Joker! Sexy! Attractive! What the actual happening? He looks nothing like all the videos and photos I've seen."

"Your sister and her doctor were kind enough to help him with his physical issues, although the facial scarring is something that he wanted to keep," Lucius told her. "There was a laser treatment though."

"So why didn't he?" she asked. 

"He did one laser treatment and changed his mind," Lucius told her. "The doctor tells me it should have taken a series of treatments to fully remove the scarring, but he developed a skin picking disorder at the time... making one treatment was enough. I believe he was pulling off the scar tissue for several days."

"That sounds painful as hell!" Harri said. "And now his face is scar free, which he didn't want?"

"I suppose," Lucius said. "He discusses these things with his doctor."

"You have to protect him," Harri said. "Bruce would kill him if he ever found him..."

"Yes," Lucius said. "Even though he didn't hurt Adriana, he killed someone very close to Bruce."

"Who?" Harri wanted to know.

"A very close friend of his," Lucius said. "Her name was Rachel."

"Rachel.." Harri said, weakly. "Bruce told me about her..he has her ashes...he said a building burned down."

"There was an explosion," Lucius told her. "She was abducted. Placed into a building full of barrels of gasoline along with a bomb-"

"Wha..." Harri felt all the air leave her lungs. The man she had just been speaking with, Arsenio's biological father, had done this.




Harri held her wine glass in one hand and her cell phone in another as she sat on a couch. She texted her husband who kept repeating that he missed her and that she should come home at least for the weekend. She had spent many weeks with Bruce and Arsenio at Wayne Manor, and Alfred had rejoined them. She held the glass to her lips and began typing with her thumb as Bruce came into the room and walked over to the bar to pour himself a scotch.

"He's sound asleep," Bruce said about Arsenio.

Harri nodded and kept texting.

"Antonio wants me home for the weekend," Harri said.

"Well, I'm sure he must miss you," Bruce said after pouring his drink. "You should go spend time with him. Arsenio and I will be just fine. We'll miss you of course but your husband needs you too."

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