Chapter 2

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A straitjacket and shackles on his feet. The Joker had been in this predicament before. But the cover over his head was new. Burlap. Wherever they were taking him, they didn't want anyone to see him. They didn't want anyone to see his face.

They pushed him along and finally made him sit. He could tell he was finally indoors, in a small and crowded room. He could tell by the sound of people breathing around him, the echo or lack thereof, and the stillness of the air.

The cover was removed from his head quickly and he saw a tall but slightly timid looking man in front of him.

"Hello, I'm Doctor Andrews.." the man began to talk. 

The Joker did not hear him, he simply observed how uncomfortable the man looked. His micro-expressions gave everything away. He was terrified but concealed it well.

"Do you have any questions?" he concluded after a lengthy introduction.

"Sure," the Joker responded. "Why do you look so nervous?"

"I assure you I'm not," the Doctor responded quickly. He didn't wait for the Joker to respond.  The Joker could tell the man had already had enough and wanted him out of his presence. The doctor looked at the officers in the room. "You can take him to the designated room."

The police officer behind him threw the sack over his head again and they led him away to a very small, cold room. No window, just a bed, sink, and toilet. Just like prison.

He heard the police talking with the doctor and witnessed a few guards peering into his room where they had temporarily cuffed his left wrist to the bed he was sitting on. He had many of these guards and police officers in his pocket. He was paying them much more than their annual salary from their bosses. Maybe this psychiatric hospital could be a fun place, until he was ready to escape. Psych patients could be useful. They were expendable, easy to mold, and typically quite trusting, especially when their delusions, hallucinations and irrational fears were entertained. Very easy to manipulate.




"So..." Adriana said to Doctor Andrews, who had said barely two words to her during their session. He was immensely distracted about his new patient.

"Sorry," he said. "I apologize for being so distracted today."

"It's okay," she said back. "I understand."

The doctor was thinking deeply about how to get through to this man that made him so uncomfortable. Being a good doctor meant that he could handle any situation. He was putting an incredible amount of pressure on himself. She knew that she could help him, since if she was in the presence of the new patient, she should know everything about him. She could give the doctor some insight. But she knew that Doctor Andrews was very different from Damien. He would never in a million years ask her to do such a thing.

"I want to help," she finally said. It wasn't even about the money. She hated to see such a good man so stressed. The police had sprung the Joker on him without warning, and the truth of it was that it was her fault. The Joker was here because Damien was sure that ten million dollars would guarantee her helping them. And she was sure he had convinced Commissioner Gordon of the same thing.

"Oh, Adriana," he said with a small laugh. " You really don't need to worry about this. I'm sure we can handle it-"

"You're afraid of your patient," she said. Seeing his memories from earlier that afternoon when he encountered the Joker.

"Yes.." he replied, sounding very vulnerable.

"And truthfully, most of those officers out there think you are supposed to be treating him," Adriana explained. "But really...he's here because of me. If I refuse to help, they'll eventually send him back to Arkham."

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