Chapter 169

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As the sun began to set, Adriana waited on a rooftop across the street from Panax Jewelers. Meanwhile, the Joker was across town waiting by Angari. The city was still a mess many days after Gotham's hero had been exposed as allegedly, a criminal. Anarchy was setting in, and Adriana hoped that in a few days everything would return to normal.

Helicopter search lights shined above, mostly as a deterrent for anyone who was thinking about criminal activity tonight. Looting and burglary had become rampant after dark.

Adriana thought of Bruce as she stared ahead. He was wasting away and she didn't understand why. The city became darker and darker and she realized as a group of teens arrived and went around to the back of the building that she likely wouldn't be the one meeting the Catwoman tonight.




The Joker waited behind the closed jewelry shop until it was dark. He hid in between a dumpster and a metal gate until he heard someone coming. It was her. And she was exactly how Adriana had described her. She wore a black shiny catsuit, a mask covering her mid face and the headpiece she was wearing made her resemble a cat.

He had been about 80% sure that she would chose this jewelry shop over the one Adriana was waiting at. He decided he needed to be the one to see this woman and speak to her. He had little confidence in Adriana's ability to make the most out of the interaction with her.

The woman's movements were confident, as though she knew she was never going to get caught. The shop owners had put a large padlock on the back door in an effort to prevent the night thieves from coming in. The Joker watched her easily remove the lock before going in. He waited a while longer. She would be disabling the cameras. He didn't know how good she was, but based on how quickly she had gotten around the padlock, she would do this just as quickly.

After a few minutes he went in quietly through the back door. He looked around for her, hearing and seeing nothing, but she was there. He could feel it.

Less than ten seconds of being inside, she was behind him, and he knew it without even turning around. She was quick. He walked over to a case of diamond bracelets and looked down as though he was interested in stealing them. He felt the barrel of a gun press against the back of his head.

"Stop," she said. Her voice was smooth and feminine, but firm.

He obeyed and raised both hands.

"Are you a cop?" he asked, knowing the answer.

"Are you?" she asked.

"No..." he said. "I was just interested in a few of these."

"So you're here to steal?" she asked him.

"Perhaps," he answered.

"Turn around," she ordered.

He turned slowly. They were both masked. The ski mask covered his entire face but he could see her mouth and very large almost doll like brown eyes.

"Thinking about reaching for that?" she asked, noticing the gun on his hip. He had insisted on having one for protection. Adriana never carried a firearm, but finally agreed after he asked her three times to provide him with  one.

"No," he said. 

"Hand it over," she ordered. 

He reached for the weapon and tossed it to her.

"Good," she said after catching it. She examined it quickly and saw that it was loaded.

"There," he replied. "You have it."

Divination (Joker x Batman x OC)Where stories live. Discover now