Chapter 14

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"So, I will be in Gotham tomorrow at 11:40 am," Harri said. "So pick me up at the train then, okay?"

"I haven't driven my car in forever. I probably forgot how to drive," Adriana said while polishing her toenails. "Want Damien to come get you?"

"No," Harri said plainly.

"Okay, I will drive over there," Adriana said. "How long is the train ride?"

"Three hours," Harri answered.

"Ok, that's not too bad," Adriana said.

"You don't sound to happy," Harri observed.

"I'm happy to pick you up and see you," Adriana said.

"That's not what I meant," Harri sighed. "What did he do now?"

"Who?" Adriana asked.

"You know who."

"Damien...well," Adriana leaned back on her couch and screwed the lid back onto the red polish. "I don't know, it kind of involved some confidential work I was doing..."

"Who am I going to tell? Spill it," Harri asked.

"They had me go back to the institution to observe a patient there, a criminal," Adriana started. "Anyways Damien did some questionable things-"

"What did he do?" Harri wanted to know.

"Well, he beat the guy up for no reason-" Adriana said.

"Oh, come on, Adri," Harri sighed. "You sound like he did something really terrible. That's like the best thing he's ever done, beating up a criminal. That's his job."

"No, it gets worse," Adriana said carefully.

"Mhm," Harri said.

"He lied and told his peers that the guy tried to attack me and violate me," Adriana said. "And Damien wasn't even there. He lied on the police report he wrote."

"Oh," Harri said. "Why would they believe that? Who found you?"

"Some other officers," Adriana said. 

"So is the criminal is getting charged for it?" Harri asked.

"No," Adriana said. "Gordon fixed the report."

"So, what's the problem?" Harri laughed. "Damien beat someone up and lied. So? He's done way worse things, and you still stay with him."

"Seriously, I keep trying to break up with him. He told me to stay out of his head so our relationship will work better," Adriana told Harri.

Harri burst into laughter. "That's actually smart. I'm sure if I knew everything Antonio thought at all times we would have broken up by now. And vice versa. If he knew what I thought all the time."

"Yeah," Adriana said. "So, we're trying that out. I am officially out of his head."

"Sounds like he really wants to make your lame relationship work. I wonder why."

"Me too," Adriana sighed. "Am I really lame?"

"No, I said your relationship was fucking lame, not you," Harri chuckled. "You can do so much better than Damien and he knows it. Staying out of guys heads, if you can help it, is a good idea."

"Yeah...He got so jealous when-" Adriana started then froze mid-sentence.

"When what?" Harri said.

"Ugh, never mind," Adriana finished.

"Tell me or I'll reach through the phone and pinch you," Harri said.

"I had a friend bring me back home that just happened to be driving by the hospital. Damien saw the car dropping me off and-" Adriana said.

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