Chapter 183

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"Sorry we can't stay too long today," Adriana said to the Joker as she held Arsenio. "My husband will probably be back home soon. We'll probably stay 30 minutes."

The Joker looked at Arsenio who was looking up at Adriana.

"Wecoh Daddy?" Arsenio said to Adriana.

"Oh...well he's probably busy right now.." Adriana replied to Arsenio who then looked sad.

"What did he say?" the Joker asked.

"He wants to talk to his dad," Adriana explained. 

"Yah! Coh Daddy!" Arsenio said and his eyes lit up.

"Um..okay...I'll try just for a moment, okay?" Adriana said, unable to say no. The child was too adorable.

"Ok!" Arsenio replied and the Joker wondered if he could ever get used to seeing such a small person, barely a year old, able to speak, understand and communicate.

Adriana held him with one arm and pulled out her phone with the other and dialed Bruce's number. 

"Hello?" Adriana heard Bruce say. His voice sounded a bit shaken, something she was not used to hearing. He had just left Sidi's.

"Sweetheart is everything okay?" Adriana asked.

"Yes," Bruce replied. "I'm just on the road right now."

 He still was trying to digest the words that Sidi had said to him. 

"Are you on your way home?" she asked.

"No, just....going back to the office," he said. "I'll be back before seven."

"Okay," Adriana said, wondering what was wrong with him. "We were just calling because your son wants to talk to you."

"Oh-" Adriana heard Bruce say and she could hear with the single syllable his whole attitude changed. He went from sounding stressed to happy. "Put him on, love."

Adriana looked at the Joker for a second before putting the phone on speaker.

"Arsenio, are you there?" Bruce asked.

"Daddy!" Arsenio said cheerfully.

The Joker watched the boy's enthusiasm as soon as he heard Bruce's voice. The voice of Bruce Wayne.

"Hi, little man," Bruce said. 

"Hi," Arsenio said.  "Daddy go home!"

"You want me to go home?" Bruce asked.

"Go home!" Arsenio said again cheerfully.

"Soon, I promise," Bruce said. "I just need to finish up some work."

"Okeeee," Arsenio said and leaned his head against Adriana's chest.

"Aren't you at home, Seni?" Bruce asked. "Since you're already there, you can say 'come home' to me. If you weren't there, you'd say 'go home'."

Arsenio quietly contemplated Bruce's words and Adriana could see he was slightly confused since even though technically they were in the building, they were not at home in their penthouse. But Arsenio understood Bruce's grammar correction. 

"Daddy coh home?" Arsenio said.

"Good job," Bruce said. "My smart boy."

"Daddy loffuuu!" Arsenio said and reached for the phone.

"I love you too," Bruce said. 

"We'll see you when you get back, love you," Adriana said to Bruce.

Divination (Joker x Batman x OC)Where stories live. Discover now