Chapter 33

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"It's 7 a.m." Sidi sighed.

"Well, you told me to call you if I notice anything different," Adriana said.

Adriana had been born with a special gift, being able to hear the thoughts and memories of everyone around her. A gift but also a curse, since the voices and memories would never be silent. She was bombarded day and night. Ever since Sidi attempted to help Adriana remove her gift, Adriana had been able to sleep well and finally felt normal or as close to it as she imagined she could be. 

However, things have not gone according to plan. Adriana's excitement about a treatment to help her caused her to hastily drink a tonic that Sidi had given her. Whatever ritual or process that needed to be done to remove her gift in balanced way had been disrupted. Sidi had warned her that this type of imbalanced treatment with the potent and slightly poisonous herbs that she had given her would create unpredictable results. Eventually the ritual would have to be performed again to completely remove her gift.

"Yeah, that's true I did," Sidi said.

"Sorry, Sidi," Adriana apologized. "I know it is early."

"It's fine. Physical manifestation?" Sidi got straight to the point.

"No, not at all. It's just the same dream over. Boy in the bath. And my sister told me that she's thinking of starting a family and she wants me to babysit for her. I think that maybe I'm seeing the future? I mean what else could it be? I know I already talked about this with you but every time I have this dream is more and more vivid."

"Well, anything is Possible," Sidi said.

"The herbs that you gave me," Adriana said. "What exactly do they do?"

"Well," Sidi sounded tired. "They're medicine."

"Magical medicine?" Adriana asked.

"No," Sidi said. "The way that they work is very biochemical and physical, girl. No magic. Listen, I'm going to explain it to you and then I have to go. You and others gifted like you are just like everyone else, except there is a part of your brain that is being used that everyone else does not use in the same capacity. Some of my ancestors seem to think it is the very powerful use of the pineal gland. These are herbs that will literally harden and solidify parts of your pineal gland to make it weaker. It has to be done. It has to be done very carefully and with precision. I did not get the opportunity to do that with you because you did not follow my instructions. You ruined the first step. That first time I gave you was supposed to have one swallow and then another swallow held under your for 15 minutes. And then there were other steps. I do not know what is going on with the gland in your brain since protocol was not followed. So maybe for now you can see the future. Perhaps. It may be possible. But eventually, and this seems to happen in all cases where the herbal ritual is not done correctly, your gift will return. The pineal gland in people like you is very strong and it will adapt to the calcification on its own in sometimes volatile ways. You have a very strong detox process. Look at it this way, it's like we have attacked the gland and slowly over time it will begin to fight back. This is why some people end up seeing and hearing things, but also seeing the physical effects on their body. Your body will create inflammation, wounds and more. At this point the gift becomes dangerous and we can try the ritual again."

"Thank you for explaining this to me, Sidi," Adriana said. "But maybe these things won't happen to me. Maybe my gift will stay like it is. It's so manageable, I can hear thoughts only when I choose to. Other people's thoughts and memories keeping me up at night, doesn't happen anymore. It is...perfect. I don't have to take dozens of psychological medications to sleep and fix depression. I even told my psychiatrist about you the last time I saw him. He thinks it's strange whatever you did for me, but he sees the difference. He's reducing all of my medications."

"That's wonderful, child. But don't cling to this notion that things will be this way forever. I Suppose anything is possible and maybe your gift will not become a problem. But it is unlikely as I have never seen it. As you can see if you feel like you're seeing the future...things are already changing. It's unpredictable."

"I understand," Adriana said and rolled her eyes. "Oh, someone else is calling me. I'll see you later."

"Bye, child."

"Hello?" Adriana answered .

"This is Lucius, hope you are well," he said. 

"I'm great," Adriana said. "How are you?"

"Wonderful," he said. " I apologize for calling so early. But I just wanted to let you know as soon as possible since you seemed eager. Your suit is ready."

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