Chapter 23

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Adriana returned home as the October sun began to set. She threw her bag at her couch aggressively and kicked her shoes into the middle of the floor.

"Who pissed you off?" Harri laughed from the hall.

"The fucking bank got robbed," Adriana said and snatched off her bracelet.

"Oh my gosh...You're not hurt, are you?" Harri asked, her joking tone changed to concern.

Adriana shook her head.

"Like I said," Harri responded. "Fuck Gotham. You should come with me tonight to Chicago. For real, you can stay with me and Antonio as long as you want."

"I'm seriously considering it!" Adriana agreed.

"This town is full of monsters," Harri said. 

"Yes," Adriana said.

"You should go online and get your ticket now," Harri said. "So you can come with me."

"How much time until the train leaves?" Adriana asked her.

"Like two and a half hours," Harri answered, with excitement. "You told me you came into some money so you won't even have to bring a lot, just the essentials. You can start over."

"Right," Adriana answered. "I guess I should get started then."

Adriana felt she had no choice. She was full of anger, hatred, betrayal and resentment. Her personal safety had been in jeopardy in ways that she could not put up with. Gotham would destroy her if she stayed.

Adriana walked into her bedroom and pulled the suitcase from her closet. There was nothing that she really wanted to bring with her, except for her favorite jacket. Everything in her home reminded her of Damien. The towels he had used countless times, the clothing he had touched, the shampoo that he loved to smell in her hair and used himself when he stayed overnight. She rolled the suitcase back into the closet after being reminded of a trip she took with him to Jamaica. She didn't even want the luggage. Her wallet and a few toiletries were all she wanted to bring. Shopping would be the first thing to do in Chicago.

"Hey Adri," Harri came into Adriana's room. "I almost forgot. This came for you, I think. No address or anything."

Adriana looked at the black envelope in Harri's hands. She must have been from Bruce.

"Thanks," she said and took the envelope.

"Where's your suitcase? Need help?" Harri asked.

"I don't want to bring anything," Adriana said.

"Really?" Harri asked with surprise.

"I'll take my toothbrush and some makeup," Adriana explained. "Important documents...going to look for my passport."

"Wow," Harri said. "Okay. I need to finish packing myself."

"Go ahead, I'm good," Adriana said.

After Harri left, Adriana looked down at the envelope. The thought of Bruce made her feel a bit happy on this day full of anger. She knew it was from him. She held the envelope in her hands and felt her stress decreasing just from holding it. She opened it slowly, glad for the distraction and mystery of this sealed message.

There was a blank card, black and folded in half, with a ticket inside.

"College football?" Adriana asked herself out loud. Gotham University versus Texas State. She had been to enough college football games with Damien to know that the seats were not great. Up in the nosebleeds. Level 4 Section 27.

The ticket was dated for the following afternoon.

Adriana looked up at the ceiling realizing she had a decision to make. Stay in Gotham to go to a football game with Bruce, or start over in Chicago with her sister.

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