Chapter 194

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"Shop's closed,"  a man buffing the floor said to Bruce as he walked into Madame Twyla's empty shop. "Oh..."

The man removed his headphones and looked at Bruce.

"You're Bruce Wayne," the man said and smiled.

"Yes, and you are?" Bruce asked.

"I'm Martin Scofield," the man told Bruce. "My boss sold the building, so I'm just polishing things up."

"Twyla is your boss," Bruce said.

"Yes. Are you looking for her?" the man asked. 

"I am," Bruce said to the man.

"She lives a couple blocks from here," Martin said. "I'll get you the address."

The man would not have given Twyla's address, Bruce was sure, if he wasn't talking to a well-known billionaire. He probably assumed that Bruce was a potential buyer.

Bruce thanked the man before leaving with Twyla's address. Her home was close enough for him to walk, so he did. 

He knocked on her front door and waited. Twyla opened the door with a smile, saying nothing while stepping to the side to let him in. She was wearing a long peach colored dress and her hair was long and loose.

"Shoes," she said.

"What?" he asked and looked down at the shoes by the door.

"I don't allow shoes in my house," Twyla said and left Bruce in the foyer.

Bruce shook his head before removing his Ferragamo leather shoes.  Twyla's home was beautiful, and the smell of roses was faint in the air. He found her in the living room sitting on the couch in her long dress with her feet on the couch beside her.

"Have a seat," she said to Bruce.

He walked over and sat on the smaller sofa across from her. Bruce was sure that the deep pink colored couches were vintage from the 1950's, the upholstery and woodwork looked meticulously maintained.

"Can I get you something to drink?" she offered.

"No, thank you," Bruce said. This was the nicest she had ever been to him, he thought.

"So, handsome, what brings you to my door?" she asked.

Bruce cleared his throat.

"You need something, then just ask," Twyla said impatiently.

"I'm not exactly sure what I need," he said.

"Aww," Twyla said. "You poor, sweet, confused, beautiful boy."

Bruce said nothing and looked at the window. 

"This was a mistake," he said. "I should go-"

"Tell me," Twyla said firmly.  "Or else you have wasted my time."

"I've been here 60 seconds," Bruce said, seeing that she was being dramatic.

"All that time and you could have told me what you needed," Twyla said.

She stood up and walked across to Bruce and sat beside him. She climbed onto the couch and sat on her knees with both of them touching his thigh. He felt her hand on his shoulder and his entire body tensed up and he couldn't move. She was very close.

"Look at me," she whispered.

Bruce turned his head slowly to face her.

He sighed and looked ahead again. Her home was impossibly soothing and relaxing, but she was bothersome, although she was beautiful. 

Divination (Joker x Batman x OC)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora