Chapter 54

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The little boy in Adriana's dream smiled as he walked away with his bowl of ice cream. Harri smiled as she watched him walk over to a table. She then took a spoonful of the strawberry ice cream and fed it to Adriana. Adriana felt herself smile before she woke from the dream.

She stretched her arms and sat up in the bed, looking at the line of sunlight on the wall that came in between the curtains. Wondering if she was imagining it, she touched her lips where the ice cream had touched them in the dream. Her lips were cool to the touch. Her teeth almost felt like they had just been exposed to something cold.



"How did things go with Madame Twyla?" Aymara whispered to Adriana.

"Other than her being a complete extortionist with unreasonable prices," Adriana whispered back. "Pretty amazing. I'm going to see here after I leave here."

"Oh wow," Aymara said. "She's given you...what you needed?"

"Yes," Adriana said quietly. 

 Adriana neglected mentioning the bottle of red liquid that she had stolen which was still in her trench coat pocket.  Adriana knew she was not a thief, but wasn't sure how to return the bottle without Twyla knowing.

"Be careful with anything you use from her," Aymara insisted, still keeping her voice quiet. "Make sure you follow the dosage exactly. I've heard some...horror stories."

"I can't..." Adriana said. "I need to use more than what her dosage recommendation says."

"You need to?" Aymara asked. "Need?"

"Yes...for various reasons. But it seems to be working well."

"Okay, if you say so," Aymara said. "No side effects?"

"Well..maybe," Adriana told her.

"What happened?" Aymara asked.

"I woke up this morning and the inside of my mouth was cold." Adriana said. "My lips were cold."

"Cold?" Aymara asked.

"Yes..I had just had a dream...or premonition I guess..that I had a spoonful of ice cream and then when I woke up it was like my mouth really had just had ice cream in it-"

"Are you serious child?" Sidi had entered the dining room carrying three small plates, overhearing Adriana. Aymara immediately took the plate Sidi was balancing on her wrist. "Physical manifestations of your visions."

"Yes..." Adriana said, scanning Sidi's thoughts to make sure that she hadn't heard them talking about Madame Twyla.

"Well, now we will have to keep a very close eye on you. This is sign that we are getting much closer to having to remove your gift," Sidi said and sat a plate, which contained a chocolate croissant, in front of Adriana.

"Maybe not," Adriana said. "I mean my mouth being cold for a minute isn't exactly dangerous, Sidi."

"Next time it may not be your mouth being cold. Maybe it will be a heart attack, or inflammation from a wound someone has in their memories, bruising, organ failure-" Sidi went on before sitting.

"No, Sidi," Adriana said. "I don't think that's what's going to happen. I mean this is very mild."

"For now," Sidi said. "And you were sleeping?"

"Yes, and I always have a similar dream every time. Every single time. It's quite pleasant...a little boy, either me giving him a bath or me and my sister in a kitchen and she gives him some ice cream. It's nothing dangerous."

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