Chapter 51

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"You can do it," Bruce said to Adriana.

Adriana's palms and fingers burned as she held onto the pole and try to pull herself up. Her skin felt like it was tearing as her chin barely reached the bar and her hands finally slipped.

"Why is this so difficult?" she asked Bruce as he caught her and placed her onto the floor.

"You have to build more strength," he answered. "This in exercise in particular is never easy starting out. Also, you have been avoiding pull ups for a while because of your shoulder injury from the gym. If yhave to take a break from practice, you won't get stronger."

"I don't think I want to practice this pull up thing anymore," she said. "Look at my hands they're all red."

"No problem," Bruce replied and watched her sit on the bench by his weights.

"Do I sound like a snob?" she asked as she shook her hands by her sides.

"Not exactly," Bruce replied.

"You think I sound like a girl," she laughed.

"Well, it's not my fault you're in my thoughts," he responded with laughter.

"That is true," she replied. "I guess I better get going. I know you have that conference call to Tokyo in a bit."

"Unfortunately," he said with boredom in his voice at the thought of the call. "You know I have been thinking maybe we should take a trip together. "

"A trip?" she smiled. "Wow..."

"I'm aware our first date was cut short," he said. "Things keep getting in the way."

"Yeah," she nodded. "Going away...sounds nice."

"The occasion could be a celebration of the fact that the Joker is finally behind bars, once I make that happen. We could go anywhere you want," he answered.

"That sounds amazing. How long do you think it will take to find a way to finally stop him and get him arrested again?" Adriana asked.

"I'm not sure. All I know is that in my search for him over the past few weeks, I have lost a lot of time and energy. Once he is finally detained, I will be able to relax and we can finally really spend some time together. I could actually leave Gotham for once without worrying about having to rush back."

"I'd love that," she said and stood up.

"We'll go someplace special," he said and wrapped his arms around her. "Once the Joker is finally away and hopefully in a maximum security prison, I will finally be able to leave Gotham for a bit. Leave my phone here. Leave any interruptions here."

"You wouldn't leave your phone," Adriana started to laugh. "That's ridiculous."

"It's ridiculous how much I know I need some alone time with you with no interruptions or distractions or meetings or emergencies."

"Mhm," she said as they kissed. "I hope it won't take too long to apprehend him. "

"I was thinking," he said, being careful with his words. "Perhaps this so-called vigilante, Shade, can help."

"Really? You want her help? I thought you didn't like her," Adriana said.

"I never said that I didn't like her. I said that she was suspicious and that I did not trust her," Bruce explained.

"Right," Adriana burst into laughter. "Because that's completely different. "

"It is," he said.

"So you trust her now?"she asked.

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