Chapter 60

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Adriana got up and walked towards the hotel so quickly, she was nearly running.

How would this whole thing end? Could she find a way to get the Joker arrested, set him up in such a way that he would never suspect her? It was either that, or she had to kill him. Both options required extreme planning and caution. The situation was delicate.

For now, her best bet was to outsmart him. 

She turned and looked back at the park bench. He was gone. 

The time for sentiment, emotion, and weakness was over. It was time to be intelligent and logical.

She entered the spinning door and came into the luxury hotel lobby. She had no idea how much time she had left to find Mateo. In a few minutes the Joker would make a call, complaining of sounds of a struggle in room 412. 

The elevator door was open, and she went in quickly, her mind racing. She wasn't even entirely sure of how she would handle this situation. Surely, the Joker knew that it would be possible for her to complete the task. She was Shade. It was only her integrity that stood in the way. The garden shears under her jacket dug into her side as she pressed the button marked 4.

No emotion, she told herself. She was smarter and stronger than the Joker realized, she convinced herself. The doors opened on the fourth floor, and she started to walk past room 402..then 404..

An older couple left room 408 and Adriana had an idea. It came to her quickly.

Intentionally, she bumped hard into the older man and staggered a bit, and he helped her avoid falling.

"Are you okay dear?" the woman asked.

"Oh, I'm just fine. I'm so sorry sir," Adriana replied. "I just had a bit too much wine at the bar."

"No problem," the man said as he and his wife continued walking to the elevator. It was still on the 4th floor, so they were able to go in immediately after pushing the button.

Adriana looked down at the room key card in her hand. Room 408. She had slipped it out of the man's pocket, since she knew exactly where he had placed it before leaving their room. The benefits of seeing memories. 

Quickly she went into their empty hotel room and shut the door. She sat down on the end of the bed and focused. She closed her eyes and searched for Mateo's thoughts. He was only two rooms away. She needed to be quick. There were only a few minutes to do this, and she knew that the Joker wanted her integrity destroyed. This was a form of torture. 

When she had the information, she needed from Mateo's mind she rang to the phone and picked it up, dialing quickly.

"Hello?" a voice said on the other end of the line.

"Officer Dagg," Adriana said. "I'm calling on behalf of Brimstone. The rebel yell resounds."

Brimstone was a code name for Mateo and the phrase about the rebel yell was a secret pass phrase. Mateo had several police officers in his pocket, ready to do his bidding for the right price. This was one of them. She knew he was usually stationed in this area of town. 

"Go ahead," the officer said.

"You need to be 2 blocks west of the Fairview in five minutes," she said quickly. "Can you do it?"

"Yes," he said.

"Take the dispatch about a disturbance at the hotel in room 412," she told him. "Call whoever you need, you'll need backup. Call Mashall, Dale, Preting only. Only officers that work for Brimstone. You'll need an ambulance, only Brimstone allies manning it. Brimstone will update you when you arrive. This is an urgent request from Brimstone."

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