Chapter 63

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"Where you been?" Brake asked Adriana as she approached the warehouse. "We're already done."

"I can see that," she sighed with disappointment.

When she arrived home she saw that she had missed a text from the Joker. She was over 2 hours late.

"I missed the text.." she said.

"That okay, red," he reassured her. "I mean..we handled everything. We didn't need anyone else."

"Is he angry?" Adriana asked and glanced in the direction of the warehouse. 

She and Brake were standing by a truck full of bags. The back door was open, and two guys came over and tossed in more bags.

"Probably," Brake said. The two men paused and looked at Adriana before going back inside. "Maybe you should quit. Bro ain't exactly patient, ma."

"I can't," Adriana said. 

She was too afraid to try to examine the Joker's thoughts.

"You need money?" Brake asked her in such a way that she knew he was willing to help her, no strings attached.

"No," she said. "Thanks though. He's not exactly paying me."

"So..he's threatened you," he guessed.

"He's threatened others if I don't work for him," she told him.

"Shit," Brake said and pulled out a cigarette. "It's fucked up."

"How long have you been working for him?" Adriana asked, keeping her gift entirely on mute. She didn't want to hear any thoughts.

"About nine weeks," Brake answered.

"Wow...that's like...a record," Adriana said, remembering the Joker's previous thoughts and memories. 

Most people who worked for him didn't last more than a couple of days. Many didn't survive one job.

"If you say so, sweetheart," he said and lit the cigarette. "I'm only staying until I get the money I need to quit and move. Probably only another two or three weeks. If you're going to stay you better get in there, instead of stalling chatting here with me. As much as I'm enjoying it."

"'re right," she said and gave him a nervous smile before going into the building.

"Just one more bag left, boss," one of the two men moving bags said to the Joker as they passed Adriana on her way in.

They both looked confused when they saw her and were wondering who she was and why she was there. The Joker turned to face her with an expression of both being annoyed and intrigued.

"She'll get it," the Joker said to the men with a half-smile. 

He was not happy. He pulled out a cell phone with paint-stained fingers and turned away from her.

She could see the last bag in another large room off to the side of the main room that they were standing in. There was no light and the room was completely dark but she could see the outline of something on the floor. She walked into the dark room and felt around for the strap on the bag and went to pick it up. It was impossibly heavy. There was no way she could lift and carry it outside. She unzipped the side of the enormous duffel and saw that it was full of money. Who knew paper could be so heavy?

She kept her thoughts to herself. She didn't want to think about what the Joker would have in mind to punish her. Maybe it was humiliation with this outrageously heavy bag. No..that seemed too mild.

Divination (Joker x Batman x OC)Where stories live. Discover now