Chapter 163

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"I'm awake," Adriana whispered, after hearing Bruce tip toeing into their bedroom.

She sat up and turned on the bedside lamp.

"Hey," he said. 

"You disappeared earlier," Adriana said. Bruce had vanished from the dinner party earlier that evening. 

"The city called," he explained.

It was his first night back as the Batman and he remembered how much vigilantism satisfied his soul. He wanted to go back out, but more than that, he wanted to be with his wife.

Adriana smiled. "I understand."

Bruce walked over and sat on the bed next to her hips. 

"You look happy," she commented.

"I am," he told her and leaned to the side to kiss her.

"You seemed a bit stressed earlier," Adriana mentioned. "I thought maybe something was wrong."

"Nothing's wrong at all," Bruce sighed happily.  

"You disappeared to talk to Sidi," Adriana commented, remembering what happened before Bruce vanished. "Everything okay?"

"Yes," Bruce told her. "You know Sidi...she's a very calming person."

"What?" Adriana almost laughed. "No, she's not."

"Well," Bruce said. "She can be."

Bruce thought of what Sidi had told him. The Joker would die in less than two months. Adriana would be fine, and she would live to watch Arsenio grow. Bruce was feeling calmer and happier than he had in ages. However, something was starting to bother him now as he looked at his wife.

"If you say so," Adriana shrugged.

"Adriana," Bruce said gently.

"Yes, my love," Adriana said and leaned back onto the pillows.

"You know how much I love you," he said and placed a hand on her waist, giving her a soft squeeze.

"Oh yes," she smiled. 

"You know that there's nothing," he said, his voice becoming more serious. "Nothing at all you can't tell me or talk to me about."

"I know," she said softly. 

Bruce looked away for a moment, his hand still on her. He considered asking her about Lucius' thoughts. She had been in Lucius' presence regularly, before her gift was removed, and maybe she had seen in his thoughts where he was sending the Joker. She and Lucius were incredibly close, and he was now relocating the prisoner who had abused her. Without a doubt, she knew where the Joker was being sent. 

Bruce wanted to ask her if she knew, but he couldn't bring himself to do such a thing. Asking her about the man who what abused her. Instead, he began to think of the trauma she must have gone through with him. Sidi had assured him the Joker would die soon, and Bruce just wanted to accept this. Whether it would be by his hand or not, the Joker would die. But he still wanted his wife to know, no matter what had been done to her he still loved her. He still loved Arsenio in spite of who his biological father was.

"Bruce.." Adriana whispered after he went quiet. He looked at her again. "What is it?"

"I just wanted you to know that," he said. "You can tell me anything. I am here for you and Arsenio, and I love you both with all of my heart. Nothing would ever change that. You are both my life. We are a team. We are a family."

"I know," Adriana whispered and sat up. She leaned forward and kissed Bruce gently.

In that moment, Bruce began to realize that it would be a long time before she told him everything. It didn't matter though, he told himself. Whenever she was ready would be fine with him. Perhaps it wouldn't happen until after the Joker was already dead. Whatever the case, he loved her. The Joker would be gone for good soon. His wife was alive and with him. His life was complete. 

Divination (Joker x Batman x OC)Where stories live. Discover now