Chapter 164

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"And he thinks he can find her," Adriana told Lucius. She was stopping by his office for the second day in a row.

Lucius looked at her, appearing completely puzzled.

"He can find a woman who filmed the video based on no evidence whatsoever," Lucius said.

"It's crazy right?" Adriana asked. 

"If it's even a woman," Lucius said. "How did he come to that conclusion again?"

"I have no clue," Adriana told him.

Lucius sighed. "Okay," he said after taking a deep breath. "We were curious about his thoughts and ideas and now we have them, but I wasn't aware it would be so much. No tangible proof whatsoever of anything conclusions he's drawn."

"Maybe we should get some," Adriana suggesting, finally sitting down after pacing.

"I can see where this is going," Lucius said.

"If we give him the opportunity and the go-ahead to look for her.." Adriana said. "We'll be a step closer to figuring this all out."

"Adriana," Lucius said calmly. "Then what? What if he does find her? What's your plan then?"

"Well.." Adriana said. "Okay...fair enough...I haven't thought that far ahead. But she's harassing my husband so it's safe to say I'll kick her ass."

"Are you sure that's wise?" Lucius asked. "If we are to believe what the Joker has guessed is true then she has superiors. Punishing her won't stop them. Unless you plan on torturing her to get information about who they are."

"Of course not. But I'm open to suggestions," Adriana said and rolled her eyes.

"As far as we one has linked you and the Batman. Adriana Wayne, yes. Shade, no. They do not know who you are, otherwise they would be threatening your identity as well.." Lucius said. "Attacking her will put you at a great risk of that happening."

"So..." Adriana said. "Your point is.."

"We need to involve Bruce," Lucius said. "There's no way we can search for or track this woman down independently on his behalf without this ending poorly. He needs to be involved. We need her on his side and that's not possible if he's not there."

"We can't involve him," Adriana said. "Because Jack is involved. It's his search. You know Jack wants to look for her, and when he finds her-"

"Then what?" Lucius asked. "If we find her, we have no established plan."

Adriana rubbed her forehead. "So..what?" she asked. "We just do nothing?"

"I'm merely suggesting that if any contact or approach goes wrong," Lucius said. "There's a chance that instead of sending repeated copies of that footage to the police...who they know are on the side of the Batman..they could easily send the footage to any news station and Bruce would be exposed immediately."

"Ugh..."  Adriana said in frustration. "This is hopeless."

"It's precarious," Lucius said. 

"I better go," Adriana said tiredly. Her brain was hurting from thinking so much and was still aching from the treatment Sidi had given her. "Bruce is in today."

"Yes," Lucius said. "I haven't seen him though."

"By the something going on?" Adriana asked Lucius. "I he mad at you for something business related that I don't know about?"

"I have no idea," Lucius said. "He's distant for some reason but perhaps it is just stress."

"He was gone when I woke up this morning," Adriana said. "He texted me this afternoon to make sure I had the tea Sidi prescribed. I guess he needed an early start here today."

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