Chapter 91

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"You're not my lawyer," Wyatt, known on the streets and Brake, said to Damien. He had just arrived in the visitation area of the prison. He was on the phone and was speaking to Damien from behind the glass.

"I just want to ask you a few questions," Damien said to Wyatt.

"Look man I already told you cops everything I know. Didn't the kid get away? What do you need with me?" Wyatt asked him impatiently.

Damien had to do a lot of research from the outside. Damien no longer had the privileges of a police officer since he was suspended and Gordon had him turn in his badge. He had to use his contacts within the police precincts to get information about the situation. 

 A friend still on the force told Damien that the child had escaped and described a masked woman with red hair helping her to escape. So far, there was no physical evidence that such a woman was on the premises at all and the police did no extra work in trying to locate her as she had not committed a crime. So, Damien did some extra digging of his own and got some footage from security cameras from other buildings in the area.

The woman was nowhere to be seen except for on one video. She could be seen for less than three seconds walking in between buildings. Her face was covered, she was far away from the camera, and the clip didn't show evidence that this woman had actually entered the building. But her hair color was distinctive.

If she had entered the building without pushback, and it had been the Batman who had knocked out the men in the building, it only made sense that she must have been an employee of the Joker's in some capacity. Or that the people who worked for him were used to seeing her around.

So far Damien had interviewed three of the men that were on the Joker's team. The three men he had interviewed had never worked with the woman. They were all working their very first job with the Joker. 

They all had denied knowing about a woman working for the Joker. Wyatt was the last one that was in custody that Damien had not interviewed. Chris had gotten away and he was the only other person who would have been the only one able to answer the question. Damien had given them all the test question: What color was the woman's hair?

None of them knew the correct answer so far. All three had tried to guess since Damien told them that he could reduce their sentences if the cooperated.

"I need to ask you about a woman working on the Joker's team," Damien asked Wyatt.

"I'm no snitch," Wyatt told him.

"A 30-year sentence is a long time for a young man. How would you like to make it 5?"

Wyatt was quiet as he thought. The man had not showed him a badge or confirmed he was even with the police.  For all Wyatt knew, this man had no influence over his sentencing. But just in case he did, he was willing to give him something. However, he was not a snitch. He would give them in just enough to make him feel that he had some information but not enough to identify his team member.

"Okay," Wyatt agreed. "What do you want to know?"

"What color was her hair? " Damien asked.

Wyatt looked away. It wasn't her real hair color. He was the only one on the Joker's team who knew this, apart from the Joker himself. They were the only ones who had seen her without the spray on hair dye.

"Red," Wyatt said.

Damien was thrilled. This was the most accurate answer he had gotten all day.

"What kind of red?" Damien asked.

"Stop sign red," Wyatt said.

"Okay," Damien said and pulled out a notepad. "What was her name?"

"Sheena," Wyatt lied. He knew her real name was Adriana. But like he said, he was no snitch. She knew his name wasn't Brake and she trusted him enough to tell him her true name.

Divination (Joker x Batman x OC)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें