Chapter 141

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Harri knocked on the penthouse door and waited for an answer. She knew that Bruce had not been out in weeks. He had no staff on duty. No one had seen him but Alfred, who was trying everything he could think of to get Bruce to eat, to go out, to try to return to some semblance of normal life. Eventually, Bruce ended up asking Alfred to leave.

"Harri," Bruce said, with the door barely open.

"Hi," she said. "Sorry...for just dropping by unannounced like this-"

He opened the door a bit more and she got a better look at him. He was thinner than she could imagine he could get. The areas under his eyes were hollow and his skin looked rough. His clothes, a dark gray shirt and sweatpants, looked at least two sizes too big for him.

"It's fine," he said, his voice a bit hoarse. "Come in."

"Thanks," Harri said and went into the penthouse. It looked like the lack of cleaning staff was taking it's toll.

Straight away she saw Arsenio in a play pen in the center of the living room. The appearance of the child was a sharp contrast to Bruce's. The baby looked healthy, clean, and well cared for. He was happy and smiling. Harri could tell that he was being well fed and was growing appropriately. Bruce went over and picked him up and Harri smiled and took him.

"You're getting so big, sweetie," Harri said and kissed Arsenio's forehead.

"Oooooh," the baby said and then made more sounds, showing that he was happy to see her.

"What's that you have there?" Harri asked about the small jelly like toy in Arsenio's left hand.

"It's a teething toy," Bruce said, a bit tiredly. "He's growing in a few."

"Wow," Harri said and looked at Arsenio, impressed. "You're growing so fast."

Bruce sat on the couch and Harri followed him. She played with the baby for over an hour and offered to fix him a snack and Bruce agreed. Once Harri went into the kitchen with Arsenio and placed him in his high seat. She fed him some yogurt and proceeded to clean the entire kitchen as he chewed on his toy.

When she was done, they went back to the living room, where Bruce was still sitting, looking straight ahead at nothing. The TV wasn't on, the lighting was very dim, and he just sat quietly. Harri felt her heart breaking as she watched him for a few moments.

"I think he's due for a nap," Harri said after Arsenio yawned a few times.

"I'll put him down," Bruce said and stood up.

"I can do it," Harri offered but Bruce was already taking Arsenio. 

"No," Bruce said. "That's okay. I have to do it."

"Okay," Harri said as they left.

Bruce was gone for several minutes when Harri decided to tidy up the living room area. When he came back, she was placing some of Arsenio's toys, which were scattered everywhere, into the large toy box in the corner.

"Oh, Harri," Bruce said. "You don't have to do that."

"I don't mind," she told him as she put the last toy away. "All done."

"Thanks," Bruce said to her.

"Bruce," Harri said as she stood from kneeling on the floor. "Tell me, how have you been?"

He looked at her, his absent eyes showing a bit of presence before depressing again. She looked at the deep lines in his forehead, the slanted frown lines. She was surprised that he had gotten so much older so quickly.

"I'm..." he said, looking away. "Trying."

"Me too," she told him and he looked back at her. "Thanks..for letting me in. Alfred told me you haven't been letting anyone in for ..not even him."

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