Chapter 188

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"You could just call out," Adriana said as she put makeup primer onto the small bruise under Bruce's eye. 

"It's a small bruise," Bruce said to her while they sat at the kitchen.

"I know," Adriana said and kissed him. "I'm sorry about it though."

She smiled and kissed him again. His facial expression was very stern.

"You're so serious this morning," she said.

"No...just tired," he said.

"I wish you could just stay home and..." she said and kissed him again.

She wanted to have sex again. He did not. He had enjoyed it tremendously and so had she.  But he could not get over the fact that he had learned to do what she needed done from a man who had made him sick to his stomach. He had invaded her privacy to learn it. And he couldn't go back to what he was used to doing now. It was too late. He would have to mimic another man every single time to please her.

Alfred walked into the kitchen seeming unfazed by Adriana putting makeup on Bruce until he saw the bruise. He raised his eyebrows to ask Bruce what happened. Alfred wasn't as used to seeing Bruce with bruises since he had largely stopped his vigilantism. And he typically never got bruised on his face.

"It's nothing, Alfred," Bruce said. "You know Adriana just likes to practice her karate chop on me on the weekends."

"He's obviously joking," Adriana said immediately. "It was an accident."

"I'm sure it was," Alfred said and began to pour Bruce's coffee.




"Aya!" Arsenio said as the Joker scrolled through pictures on the tablet Adriana brought along on their visit with him. The tablet was full of Arsenio's favorite pictures, movies and TV shows.

"Aya," the Joker said as he looked at a photo of Arsenio being held by a young woman.

"Her name is Aymara," Adriana explained. 

"Aya!" Arsenio said again.

"She's a friend of mine and Arsenio loves her," Adriana went on "She's great with him."

"Aya fyee pay!" Arsenio said to the Joker as Adriana held him.

"No," Adriana said. "She doesn't fly planes yet, but she's working on getting her pilot's license."

"Impressive," the Joker said.

"Daddy, mommy fyee pay!" Arsenio said.

"That's true," Adriana laughed. "Daddy and I can both fly a plane. Although...Daddy's a licensed pilot and I'm not."

"Affa!" Arsenio said, his voice loud and cheery as a picture of Alfred came up on the screen.

"That's Alfred," Adriana said. "He's our butler and practically family. He's essentially Arsenio's grandfather."

The Joker nodded and swiped again.

"And this is..." the Joker looked at a picture of another woman holding Arsenio.

"Haiiiee!" Arsenio said, very excited to name everyone in the pictures. "Tia!"

"That's my sister," Adriana said. "Harri. His aunt."

The Joker looked at the picture. He squinted. "Seems familiar."

"Really?" Adriana asked. "You've never met her. Maybe she looks like me a bit?"

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