Chapter 115

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"It comes and goes," Adriana explained to Sidi about her gift. She looked to the left and saw Arsenio crawling on the soft blanket Aymara had placed on the carpet, along with a few toys. Aymara was sitting on the floor holding her arms out for Arsenio to come to her. Adriana and Sidi were seated on the couch. "Nothing was really clear just...vague feelings about things."

"When did it start?" Sidi asked.

"Yesterday," Adriana said, remembering visiting her house. "I felt like...a menstrual cramp and then it started. Haven't gotten my period yet though..sorry too much info."

"Not at all," Sidi said. "Hmm..your gift seems very linked with your womb. Not a surprise that you were dreaming of your son before you had him."

"That makes sense," Adriana told her. "I haven't been able to see anything too clearly though."

"Any other dreams?" Sidi asked Adriana.

"No..." Adriana said. "Oh..actually, I had that fire dream again. It was weeks ago though-"

"Fire dream," Sidi said firmly.

"Yes, remember when I told you that when I gave birth..I had this vision of fire. And my fever went up..But i had the same sort of dream a few weeks ago. I woke up sweating like crazy, but then it went away."

"No good," Sidi said. "I have everything we need to remove your gift permanently. If this is happening to you then we should not wait any longer-"

"No wait!" Adriana interrupted her, trying to keep her voice low. "I'm just now finally getting my gift back after almost over a year! I'm not ready to just remove it because I sweat in my sleep here and there. gift stays. It will probably balance itself out over time and this is just a small hurdle-"

"I have to urge you," Sidi said. "I don't want you to wait until it is too late."

"Sidi, I am fine," Adriana sighed. "It hasn't happened it weeks so maybe that was it."

Sidi looked at Arsenio and then looked at Adriana again. "You cannot risk this. You have a child."

"I'm fine," Adriana said. Sidi had been telling her that her altered gift was a danger to her for quite some time and so far nothing dangerous had happened.

There was a knock at the door and Adriana knew it was Bruce.

"Baby man, it's time to go you daddy is here," Aymara said while holding him.

Sidi gave Adriana a look, letting her know that she wasn't off the hook. She stood up and answered the door to let Bruce in.

"Come in," Sidi said and Bruce came into the living room.

"Hello, Sidi," Bruce said and hugged her.

"Da, dadada," Arsenio said with him arms outstretched. "Yeeee!"

"Heyyy there," Bruce said and bent down to take Arsenio from Aymara's arms. She smiled and gave him the baby. "Did you have fun?"

"He had lots of fun," Adriana said and gave Bruce a kiss. "He'll sleep well tonight."

"How have you two been?" Bruce smiled and asked Sidi and Aymara as she packed the toys up into the baby bag.

"Just fine," Sidi said. "Things have been going well. Hope the same is true for you."

"Yes," Bruce said and Aymara kissed Arsenio on the cheek before going to the kitchen.

"Let's put on your shoes sweetheart," Adriana said and took the baby from Bruce. "Ready to go back home?"

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