Chapter 120

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"I will be back at seven," Lucius said to Adriana after parking in front of the hotel.

"Six-thirty," she said. "Please."

He nodded.

"He doesn't even believe that I'm alive," she said. "I thought he did..he touched my face and seemed to realize this was all real but then..he just sat down and...I mean he thinks this is all a dream..or some type of hell. He actually wanted me to leave him alone."

"It will take time," Lucius said again. "He will begin to understand what happened and-"

"And you can get antibiotics?" she asked him for the third time. 

"I will bring the strongest ones I can acquire," he assured her. "Just try to get some sleep."

"I could go to the medical facility and get some myself," she offered. "Right now."

"Adriana," Lucius said. "That will just bring attention to the situation. Dr. Kapoor will notice anything missing. We will return to the Joker in a few hours with medication. Just get some rest."

Adriana sighed. "Okay."

Lucius nodded.

"We will do what we can for him," Lucius said. 

She agreed anxiously and got out of the car. Lucius knew that he would have to act like everything was normal when he encountered Bruce at work the next day.

 She went into the hotel through the front and put the code in on the elevator to be allowed to go to the floor where their penthouse was. Bruce wasn't there when she returned. He was out in the city; Gotham needed the Batman. She took off her clothes, dropping everything beside the bed before walking into the bathroom and stepping into the shower. She couldn't face anyone right now. Her stomach was cramping again and get head was beginning to ache.

A choked cry that shouldn't hold in echoed off of the marble surrounding her. She covered her mouth and sat down on the shower floor and pulled her knees up. The condition of the Joker was something that she would not have wished on her worst enemy. Bruce had no idea what he had done, and she couldn't help but wonder if he would have done anything about it if he did. She knew he couldn't be so cruel to allow anyone to suffer this way. His thoughts when he locked the Joker down there didn't take illness into consideration. He assumed he would be fine but incredibly bored, lonely and perhaps would have a psychotic break at some point which would make him realize the error of his ways. The lack of communication would affect him like had affected countless others placed into solitary throughout history. Bruce guessed that he could handle it. And if he couldn't it was still worth the risk because of the danger to society that the Joker posed.

Adriana was sure she had never seen such a large untreated dental abscess. The Joker's dental health had always been horrible, but this was different. He had tried to drain the abscess himself several times with his fingers. He was not given any eating utensils, which he could have used. Each time he was able to drain some of the blood and built-up fluid with his fingernails, the abscess returned.

He also tried to pull out the teeth in the area with his bare hands, with no success. Adriana could see it all again as she replayed his memories. Blood running down his forearm as he pulled on the tooth with all of his might. He even tried slamming his jaw against the sink, which did nothing but made him faint from the pain. It didn't even knock the tooth loose even though he tried several times. The torment of it all broke him mentally. Eventually the pain became so great that he could no longer touch the side of his face at all. He could not eat. Adriana looked up as she heard footsteps in the bathroom. Bruce came to the shower and opened the door slightly.

Divination (Joker x Batman x OC)Where stories live. Discover now