Chapter 53

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"No, I don't need them gift-wrapped," Adriana spoke on the phone to the Swiss watch company. They called her after she placed an online order for four of the same watch and assumed they were gifts or party favors. "In fact if you could send me dupes, that would be great."

"Dupes?" the woman on the other end of the phone replied in a light accent.

"Nothing," Adriana sighed, annoyed with Madame Twyla. "No gift wrapping needed."

After she finished on the phone she pulled a pack of frozen salmon filets out of the freezer. She seasoned them and began to cook. They were almost done cooking when her phone rang again.

"Hey sis," she said as soon as she picked up.

"Hey girl," Harri said. "How are you? What are you cooking that I hear sizzling?"

"I'm alright," Adriana responded. "It's salmon. Making rice and broccoli too."

"Oh, that sounds great. I'm starving to death," Harri said.

"Why? You didn't eat yet?" Adriana asked.

"I ate a cinnamon roll but that was hours ago," Harri explained. "I want some rice."

"That sounds good too," Adriana laughed. 

"I was thinking I would come and visit you again next week," Harri said, sounding excited. "Since I'm not working or anything right now."

"Oh..." Adriana said pensively. 

She was Shade..there was no way she could come and go freely in the middle of the night with Harri there. Harri was a light sleeper. Also, she would have to keep her suit well hidden. The entire idea sounded incredibly stressful.

"You don't sound too excited," Harri said. "About the idea of me visiting."

"It's just...things are kind of hectic, I'm really busy-" Adriana said.

"With what? You don't have a job, honey," Harri started laughing. "If you don't want me to come, I'm not offended."

"It's not that-" Adriana started, truly wanting her sister to visit. Was this the life of a vigilante? Distancing from family and not being able to explain why? 

What if she told Harri that she was a vigilante?  She would be worried sick, Adriana was certain.

"Ahhhhh I see," Harri sounded like she was smiling.

"See what?" Adriana asked.

"You and Bruce need your privacy, I get it," Harri answered.

"Oh..." Adriana said, thankful that Harri had come up with her own reason. "Right. Totally."

"Soooo..." Harri hinted. "Tell me everything. Is billionaire sex as great as they say?"

"Who says anything about that?" Adriana asked as she took the lid off of her rice cooker.

"I don't know, but tell me," Harri went on.

"It's..." Adriana said. "Great." 

" have to give me more than that, come on," Harri said. "He can't be another dud."

"A dud?" Adriana sat the hot lid onto the counter.

"I think every guy you have been with is a dud. You're never excited about them. Ugh. You need someone to gush to me about, seriously," Harri said.

"He's not a dud," Adriana said. "It's just weird talking about these things...He's wonderful..the best."

"Mmmmhm," Harri said, not sounding convinced. "Well, he has money so that makes up for it."

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