Chapter 108

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"It's okay, little one," Adriana turned her head to the left and said to Arsenio, who had just begun crying. She could tell he was getting hungry, but she was in the middle of a post-partum pelvic exam. "I'm right here. I'll feed you in just a minute, amor." Arsenio quieted quickly after hearing her, almost as if he could understand what she had said.

The doctor raised his eyebrows, impressed that the baby seemed to have listened.

"Everything looks great, you're recovering well," the doctor said. "Have you experienced any constipation or incontinence?"

"No, nothing like that," Adriana said.

"Wonderful," the doctor said. "You should be fine to resume sexual activity."

"Oh," Adriana said, knowing she and Bruce had already had sex countless times in the past week. "We already have...a lot."

"That's fine," the doctor said. "Would you like to discuss birth control options?"

"I used to take the pill a few years ago," Adriana said. "I didn't like how it made me feel though."

"There are non-hormonal options," Dr. Kapoor said.

"Oh...I don't think I want the copper thing again," Adriana said. "It made me bleed so much."

 "Perhaps we can fit you for a diaphragm," he suggested.

"You really do it all, Dr. Kapoor," Adriana laughed.

"Well, Bruce employs me as his personal physician and typically I'm just patching him up from trauma incidents," Dr. Kapoor said. "Sometimes he even takes care of those things himself. But I am passionate about all areas of medicine. Bruce gives me a very high budget for the facility here even though most of the equipment is never used.  Truthfully, you being here has given me some of the most exciting work I have done in a long time."

"Childbirth," she laughed. "Happy to be of service."

"Thank you," he said. "So, would you like to be fitted for a diaphragm?"

"Sure," she said.




"So how is the newlywed life?" Aymara asked Adriana as Sidi held Arsenio.

"It's great," Adriana answered. "I'm so happy...everything is perfect."

"We're happy for you," Aymara said. "You had the most beautiful wedding I have ever been to."

"Yeah, we had a team working around the clock for a few weeks since it was so short notice," Adriana said. "I'm glad it turned out well."

"It did," Sidi said. "Your marriage is beautiful, despite what people are saying."

"Thanks," Adriana said.

Recently, she and Bruce had been in the news a lot. Somehow, the public had gotten wind of the fact that they did not have a prenuptial agreement. Many people thought that she was a money hungry schemer, and the mugshot and video footage of her destroying Madame Twyla's shop didn't help. Adriana knew that most of the public did not like her at all. Bruce had encouraged her to stop watching the news all together, but she couldn't help seeing the hatred everywhere she went. She always felt eyes glaring at her.




"It feels the same," Adriana said to Lucius as she tried on her suit.

"Well, it has some stretch for movement," he said.

"So, no alterations needed?" she asked.

"I wouldn't say so," Lucius said.

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