Chapter 78

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"You," Adriana said, her voice furious, to Madame Twyla.

"Well if it isn't our little thief," Madame Twyla said while lighting a stick of incense. 

"You!" Adriana said and grabbed her by the shoulders while she was still holding the torch and incense stick. "I can't hear...I don't hear anything! No thoughts at all! What did you do!"

"I haven't done a thing," Madame Twyla said. "It is you who abuses yourself with excessive use of my product."

"What?" Adriana said and released her. "You're saying this is my fault? You never warned me! You never told me this could happen-"

"Did you ask?" Madame Twyla said with a sour tone.

"You.." Adriana said and her voice broke.

"Calm down, silly girl," Madame Twyla said with a laugh.

"Calm down! Are you kidding! Do you know what-" Adriana said.

"You'll live," Madame Twyla said, not caring at all.

"You don't understand what I've lost-" Adriana told her.

"Lost!" she laughed. "You are young. You are pretty. You can have a normal life for a while. Enjoy it."

"For a while? You mean it's not permanent?" Adriana demanded.

"I don't know," Madame Twyla said. "Maybe. Maybe not."

"I need a straight answer! What is this!" Adriana demanded, so angry she was shaking. 

"I'm going to have to ask you to leave," Madame Twyla said. "Now."

"No! Not until you give me answers and tell me how to fix this!" Adriana shouted at her. The blue drink had not given her any abilities, but her impulse was at its peak.

"I'm calling the police in case you were wondering," Madame Twyla said as she dialed on her phone. She had been through this process countless times to get people to leave.

Adriana felt nothing but rage and impulse...complete compulsion and no reason to hold back.

"Fine, bitch," Adriana said. "Call them."

Madame Twyla sighed and hit the button to dial and then held the phone up to her ear. Adriana almost felt like she could see the color blue invading her vision, casting a sapphire shade over everything in sight, darkening it all. She grabbed a glass bottle and flung it at the wall shattering it. She heard Madame Twyla gasp. But she didn't care. She went around the room, smashing everything in sight, the sounds of the breaking glass assuaging her frustration.

She wanted everything broken and shattered. Twyla watched in disbelief.

"She's destroying my shop!" Madame Twyla said over the phone before Adriana left, slamming the front door so hard that the glass shattered.



"Tell us what's wrong," Aymara said, trying to get Adriana to talk but she just sat stoically on the couch staring straight ahead.

"Maybe she's drugged," Sidi said and shrugged. "Strung out. Look at her eyes."

"I need help," Adriana said. "Madame Twyla fucked me up."

"Twyla!" Sidi said. "You've been going to her! What did she do? "

"I don't hear thoughts," Adriana said. "It' so fucking quiet."

"Seriously?" Aymara said and sat next to Adriana.

"Yeah..she gave me some potion and maybe I overdid it and fucked myself up," Adriana said.

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