Chapter 137

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"Anything?" Bruce asked Adriana.

She was walking through the halls of the hotel and on her cell phone. Scanning thoughts and memories. This was her second day of doing this. She had been working on the task for about six hours and was getting very tired.

"No, unfortunately," she said to Bruce who was at work. "I think I'll stop for the day...Evelyn's had Arsenio all day. She probably needs a break."

"Which floor are you on now?" Bruce asked.

"44," she answered. "There's not anything going on here though...just a housekeeper cleaning one of the rooms. She-"

Adriana paused and shut her eyes, her ankle was still bothering her.

"Are you picking up on something?" Bruce asked.

"No..." She said and leaned against the wall and slid down to the floor. "Just..resting a bit."

"You were saying something," he reminded her.

"Oh," she said, once she was sitting. "She didn't see anything...whoever this person was, they must have had the envelope concealed."

"Someone must have seen it," Bruce said. "Or they may have seen someone going to the elevator. you think you could work on this for another hour? Maybe go through the kitchens again or laundry-"

"Bruce, I'm really tired," she said and rubbed her ankle.

"Please," Bruce pleaded. "Hold on-"

"Sure," Adriana said impatiently. She heard him speaking to someone about a contract before hearing a door shut.

"Just until 3 o'clock," he said. "That's it."

Adriana sat her phone down beside her thigh and began shaking her head. She almost wanted to cry...but then she felt weak. Her skin felt hot, she was sweating, she was feverish but it wasn't terrible. It was tolerable for now. But the longer she did this the worse it got. She had gone through the building and examined the memories of the staff for twelve hours the previous day, and it seemed the longer she did this the worse the heat on her skin felt.

"I need to stop," she said after she picked up the phone again.

Bruce was quiet for a moment and even though she couldn't hear his thoughts, she could tell he was thinking of a different way to ask her. A different way to plead.

"Adriana..the sooner we figure out who this is..who is blackmailing me or trying to get me prosecuted...the sooner this will all be over," he said. "I'm begging."

Adriana closed her eyes.

 "Fine," she said tensely. "Until three."

"Thank you, thank you, thank you," he said. "I love you, Adriana."

"Yeah..." she said. "I love you too. Talk to you in a bit."

Adriana hung up the phone without waiting for his reply. She wiped sweat off of her forehead as a janitor walked up to her. She hadn't even noticed him approaching.

"Mrs. Wayne," the man said, clearly surprised to see the hotel owner's wife sitting in the hall. "Is everything alright?"

"Yes," Adriana said and pulled herself to her feet. "Don't mind me."

After going through the laundry facilities and hotel kitchen and finding nothing in anyone's memories, Adriana thought she would go through the lobby again, but the heat and fever was overwhelming her. She did her best to conceal it as she went back to the elevator. She didn't want to go back to the penthouse. She needed to go someplace cold.

Divination (Joker x Batman x OC)Where stories live. Discover now