Chapter 84

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Once Bruce was gone and she was alone in his office, Adriana pulled out her phone. She wasn't even sure what her plan was...she just knew that she needed to act. She called the Commissioner on the phone there.

"Navarro," Gordon said as soon as he picked up. He sounded winded and stressed.

"Is there anything I can do?" she asked.

"I'm afraid not," he said. "I don't have anyone detained that was close to the situation."

"And you only have four hours to find her," Adriana said. "That's what I heard in the video-"

"We got the video ten minutes ago," the Commissioner told her. "But apparently it had been in the governor's possession for almost two hours. He...he suffered a heart attack when he saw it. A member of his staff just got it to us."

"Oh no..." Adriana said breathlessly. "Is he..."

"He's alive but in critical condition...unstable," Gordon managed to say. He was speaking quickly. "We are keeping it quiet. We have to. The Joker gave him a location to turn himself in. He was supposed to go alone. No police, no security. The location is supposed to be a public train station, busiest hour of the day. We are not certain what was supposed to occur there. Obviously the girl isn't there at the station, and won't be possible for the governor to arrive at the meet. He is hospitalized and as far as I have heard, not conscious."

"So you're saying.." Adriana said, fearfully.

"If we don't find her by 4 p.m.," Gordon said with misery. "This is going to be tough...and according to the Joker there are three individuals that can detonate the bomb in the room at any time. We have no idea who those people are.. we don't know if they are remotely located or on site...which means if we do even find the location-"

"You have to be silent...undetectable..." she said to herself. "You have to get in without raising any alarm..."

"Yes," Gordon said as voices spoke in the background, he needed to go. "Navarro I must go-"

"Okay, Gordon good luck," she said quickly and hung up.

There was no way that she could go as Shade and beat up the Joker's men and risk one of them having a detonator to blow the place. She would have to go as Sheena. She needed the location but needed to find a way to locate the building they were holding Pavla in without raising suspicion. Then she remembered..Bruce had call signal triangulation. On the computer she was standing in front of. She would have to hide the identification of the call and erase the evidence when she was done.

She logged on to the computer and struggled for a few moments to find what she needed. She navigated away from the Wayne Enterprises screens and into the concealed programs on the computer. Eventually, she figured it out. The phone on the desk was in her hand a few moments later and she dialed.

"Yo," Brake said when he answered the phone. Calling him on her cell phone and asking him the location would be too suspicious. She didn't want to Joker to be aware that she was coming at all.

She hoped that Brake would be a part of this. If he wasn't, it was hopeless.

She was quiet and waited for the program to trace the showed Gotham and was pinpointing the exact area.

"Hello?" he asked, hearing nothing. "Hello?"

He hung up at the exact moment the location was determined. An abandoned metal factory.




Adriana had to use her grapple gun to ascend the surrounding buildings with enough distance to see where there were men guarding the entrances. She could see a man guarding each of the three entrances. Only the north side of the building has no man posted there, because there was no door. All windows. There was an alleyway leading to a large busy street..that would have to be the escape.

Divination (Joker x Batman x OC)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt