Chapter 110

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"Its called lactational amenorrhea," Dr. Kapoor told Adriana. "Since you are breastfeeding almost exclusively, this can happen. It means, typically for a period of 3 to 6 months you may not experience a period," he said. "It could last much longer depending on you long you breastfeed. So the past ten weeks since you've given birth, not having a period yet is totally normal."

"Okay," she said with relief. "I almost thought maybe I was pregnant again."

"No, your blood test came back negative," he said. "We'll keep an eye on this, but I'm certain that once the baby has weaned your cycle will return."

"Thank you, Doctor."

"And how is your shoulder feeling?" he asked.

Dr. Kapoor knew that Bruce was the Batman, and Adriana decided that it was finally time to reveal to him that she was Shade a week ago. Now she could tell him about her injuries and he was totally understanding.

"Much better," she said. "Still hurts but it feels like it's healing."

She had been thrown down a flight of steps while stopping a burglar who had broken into the apartment building of an elderly woman. Fortunately, she was able to stop him in the end but she still was in pain from the fall.

"Yes," Dr. Kapoor said and felt her shoulder. "It looks like the swelling is down."




"A helipad?" DeMarco asked Damien as he was being given a tour of Damien's mansion.

"Yes," Damien answered.

"Do you have a helicopter?" DeMarco wanted to know.

"No," Damien replied. "Not yet, at least."

"So, are you gonna tell me how in the hell you can afford a place like this? Did you find millions in another one of the Joker's storage sites?"

"No," Damien answered seriously. "Can't tell you how I got the money. Signed a bunch of shit."

"Oh damn..." DeMarco said as if impressed. "But you know you can trust me, buddy. I'd never tell a soul."

"Can't do it," Damien said plainly. 

He knew that DeMarco was a close friend of his, but he was remembering when he told Gordon about how it had been his idea to starve the Joker. DeMarco could not keep a secret under pressure.

"Does it have anything to do with our search? The Joker?" he asked.

"It might," Damien said.

"So, he's alive? Who paid you off?" DeMarco wanted to know.

"No clue if he's alive, DeMarco. And like I said, I can't tell you shit," Damien said. "Not about the money and how I can afford this."

"You gotta give me something, man. Come on-" DeMarco said.

"Okay," Damien said. "All I can tell you is that I found the woman. She claimed she doesn't know where he is."

"I need more," DeMarco said. "Who is she?"

"You know I can't tell you," Damien said.

"So...that's it? Dead end? We won't be finding the Joker after all, huh? He's probably dead," DeMarco said, feeling Damien's answer was anticlimactic.

"Maybe," Damien said. "The fact that the woman didn't know where he was means he's probably far away by now. But still...I think she might be my lead."

"Lead?" DeMarco said. "So you're still going to keep searching for him?"

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