Chapter 72

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"Oh...Bruce," Adriana said after opening her front door. "Hi."

"Hello, Adriana," he said. "Can we talk?"

"Sure..." she said cautiously and stepped aside so that he could come in. 

Once he passed her, she noticed the pamphlet that she had gotten from the dentist about the process of receiving a dental implant still sitting on the table by the front door. Fortunately, he was moving slowly because he was still in pain, so she had a few seconds to move her purse on the table to cover it.

"How have you been?" he asked and turned around to face her.

"Good," she lied. "You?"

"Been better," he said,

"Oh..." Adriana said. "Sorry to hear that."

"May I sit?" he asked.

"Of course," she said and sat on the couch next to him.

"Adriana," he said and took a deep breath. "I need to apologize. I am sorry. I've been horrible to you."

Adriana said nothing in response, she just nodded.

"I shouldn't have gotten so upset at you to refusing to expose Shade," he said, continuing to apologize. "What I asked of you was crossing a line. Disappearing and ignoring your messages and calls was also unacceptable. I wouldn't blame you if you hated me right now."

"I don't hate you, Bruce," she said, honestly. "I forgive you."

"That easily?" he asked.

" hasn't been easy," she said. "But I have already forgiven you."

"You're very forgiving," he said.

"Yeah..I know," she said. It was something she had heard a lot. "So..Shade. You're not worried about her exposing you?"

"Actually," Bruce said and rubbed his forehead. "I suppose not. She could have exposed me by now..she had the opportunity."

"Yeah..." Adriana said.

"So, you see what happened," Bruce replied with a bit of shame. "Why I'm so banged up right now?"

"I do," she answered.

"I don't know what happened," Bruce started to explain. "I don't hit women. Especially not like that. I hit her hard. Same as I would hit a man. The stress of it all...really must have gotten to me."

"I know," Adriana said. "I'm sure she's fine. She takes hits all the time I assume...right?"

"Yeah," Bruce said. "She was well enough to effectively retaliate. My rib is going to take longer to heal. My knee is in bad shape. She really went for me...civilian had to stop her. Then she just...walked away."

"Wow," Adriana said.

"So, it looks like I will be following her request," he said. "To keep away from her. She won't be assisting me with the Joker."

Adriana did her best to avoid showing any relief. She needed to appear impartial.

He looked over at the small table in front of the couch.

"The masquerade ball," he said, seeing the tickets. "You are going."

"Yes," she said. "With...Damien. The governor invited me."

"The cop?" Bruce asked.

"Yes," Adriana said. 

Bruce looked genuinely surprised. 

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