Chapter 132

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"Downsides?" Bruce asked Lucius while trying on his new mask, which now served as a bulletproof helmet.

"I'm sure you can tell, it feels much more insulated," Lucius said.

"It's warm," Bruce said. "But not unbearably so."

"That was the goal," Lucius informed him.

"Well done," Bruce said as he pulled the mask off.

"Your wife's entire suit is made from a similar material, but I would say hers is a bit more advanced and breathable."

"If only the material wasn't so..." Bruce said, thinking of the word to describe the deep reflective colors in Shade's suit. "Visually decorative? Feminine? I would use it."

"Completely understandable," Lucius said as Bruce packed the mask away after pulling it off.

"I'm relieved that her suit is so effective at protecting her from impact," Bruce said. "Soon she will be without her gift...I'm glad she is at the very least, more protected than I am."

"Without her gift," Lucius repeated.

"Saturday," Bruce said. "It will be gone forever. Saturday evening. She needs to have it...well..eradicated."

"Is everything alright?"

"Not quite. She's having nightmares, fevers, all apparently from her gift. Her abilities are hurting her and are becoming deadly at this point. She's been able to use her gift for months now and hasn't told me about it. I thought all this time it was dormant since her pregnancy but that wasn't the case."

"Well," Lucius said, knowing full well how long her gift had been back. He had also been keeping the secret from Bruce. "She told you when she felt ready to, I am guessing."

"No," Bruce laughed. "She didn't tell me anything. Her dear friend Sidi had to. Adriana was planning to keep this from me for...only God knows for how long. I didn't get a wink of sleep last night. She slept for a bit, and whatever is going on with her is bad. She had a high fever and her body was drenched in sweat. Sounded like she could barely breathe."

Lucius was quiet.

"Anyway," Bruce said after seeing Lucius' concern. "Not to worry, it will be taken care of soon. She understands what needs to be done. Speaking of which..."

"How can I be of service?" Lucius knew Bruce had a task for him.

"The Joker," Bruce said. "Needs to be dealt with. He isn't dead."

Lucius couldn't force himself to fake surprise.

"What do you mean, dealt with?" Lucius asked.

"We need to locate or build a facility for detention purposes. Hire a team to secure him and relocate him. A team for around the clock surveillance.." Bruce said. "People we can trust with the information that he is still alive. Men capable of a long term commitment to the job. Men with exceptionally strong minds. The Joker is a master manipulator. We can't have any vulnerabilities. He's located in my former Batcave and apparently in good condition. They will have to remove him discreetly."

"It may take a while," Lucius said.  " To assemble a team and location. Anyone participating hires will need to go through rigorous physical and psychological screening."

"Of course," Bruce said. "Do you have any questions?"

Lucius looked at Bruce, who was expecting him to ask what on earth the Joker was doing in his batcave. Who was there with him now to monitor him? Bruce was fully prepared to explain that he had left him there alone, chained to the floor for over a year.

Divination (Joker x Batman x OC)Where stories live. Discover now