Chapter 7

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"In order to make your experience here more productive," Dr. Andrews said to the Joker, who the staff had all begun to refer to simply as Mr. J, since he had no identification or records of birth that could be found. "We will be having you interact with another patient for approximately one hour each day during your recreation time. Having you remain isolated and only having sessions with me truly isn't the most effective way to work on improving your communication skills and interactions with others-"

"Communication skills," the Joker replied, his voice dancing around in tone as if he was singing slowly.

"Well," the Doctor started. "You have another court hearing next month. If you want your best chance for the least harsh sentencing possible surely you must understand that effective communication is key. You must at least see the value in that?"

The Joker looked at the doctor. Everyone knew by now that when all was said and done, he would be spending the rest of his life at Arkham or a maximum-security prison or worse. His legal counsel certainly wouldn't ever put him on the stand at any point. Why was this doctor pretending to care?

"You certainly make it sound valuable, doc," the Joker replied suspiciously. "But why?"

"I have just told you why," the doctor said avoiding eye contact, as he and everyone else did.

Why would they subject a patient to this, the Joker wondered. The people working at this institution had gone to incredible lengths to make sure that no one knew he was here. It was strange and suspicious.

"Yes," the Joker said back. "Makes much more sense now."




"You don't have to stay overnight," Dr. Andrews said after coming into Adriana's room at the institution. She had returned for the job. She would interact with the Joker.

"I know but," she replied. "It feels more realistic this way."

"Have you been taking the course of medications?" he asked her. He had given her clear instructions on how to take her existing medications and they would be tapering them off to avoid withdrawal.

"Every day, Dr. Andrews," she replied honestly. "I've been sleeping a lot more."

"You look very well," he said. To the doctor, she already looked much more well rested and healthier. "You can have your cell phone, of course, since you're not actually a patient."

"I think I should keep this as close to the real thing as possible," she said and placed her phone into the small box the security guard had given her. "It'll help me focus. Could you turn it in for me?"

"Sure," he answered and took the box. "So just two days."

"Yup," she said. "I leave after tomorrow night. I hope it's enough time."

"Well, rec time is in a couple hours," he said. "What will you do until then?"

"Take a long nap," she said with a smile. She had been adoring sleep lately and slept every chance she got.




When Adriana entered the rec room, she noticed one guard by the door. Two more were standing at a wall behind the Joker. 

He was sitting at one of the tables on the far end of the room drawing on a sheet of paper, or possibly scribbling. None of the other patients in the facility had ever seen him and none had any idea he was there. The motion of his hand seemed to be just zig-zagging across the paper in front of him. He looked up when he heard the door shut.

Divination (Joker x Batman x OC)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum