Chapter 128

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"Dissolves scar tissue," the Joker repeated her words.

"Yes," Adriana told him. "It's a very advanced technology and could smooth your skin, at least that is what the doctor tells me. Some combination of laser and's complicated and experimental but he believes it could be effective."

The Joker appear to be considering what she was saying briefly before speaking again.

"Okay," he said finally. "When?"

"When?" she asked him. "When what?"

"When do I have to do this laser thing?" he asked.

"Wait," Adriana said. "No one is saying that you have to do anything. It's just an option. It's totally up to you and you don't have to do it if you don't want to. Doctor Kapoor just thinks that it could be beneficial, perhaps for your mental health and social health going forward."

"I do not have mental health," the Joker said. "Or social health."

"You're making jokes but I'm being serious," she told him.

"Yes," he said jokingly. "Your face is very serious."

"Anyway," she said, seeing in his thoughts and expression that he was not taking the offer very seriously. He did not see the point. "If you decide you would like to try the treatment, you can let us know. This is entirely your call."

"So, I imagine it would be painful to have my face burned off with a laser," he said and shrugged. "I have a high tolerance for pain."

"It won't burn your face," she said. "No exactly. It more...of a gradual resurfacing type of situation."

"Ah..." he said as if he understood, even though she knew he didn't.

Momentarily, he took off his black baseball cap and pushed the long pieces of hair in front of his face back. Before putting the cap back onto his head he glanced into her eyes.

"So you think it would be an improvement?" he asked her. "Beneficial?"

"Like I said," she said. "It could prove beneficial for your mental health, the doctor said, if that's what you're asking." 

She knew that was not what he was asking.

"Yes," the Joker spoke. "You did say that. Well I guess we have our answer then. Laser beam it is."

"Our answer?" she said. "It has to be yours. Yours alone. It's your face."

He was quiet.

"It's a big choice," she said. "You absolutely don't have to if you don't want to. It's not necessary or required in any way."

He nodded once. She could see in his thoughts that he had no curiosity, no excitement, and no questions about the procedure.

"So we're not pressuring you or anything, just putting the option on the table for you."

"Any particular reason you are telling me this and not Dr. Kapoor?" he asked.

"What do you mean?" she asked. "What does it matter who tells you?"

He was quiet again.

"You think I want you to do this?" she asked him after reading his mind.

"So, you don't?" he asked.

"We aren't going to do this," she told him and started shaking her head. "I can't decide this for you-"

"So you do," he guessed, ignoring her words.

Divination (Joker x Batman x OC)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum