Chapter 25

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The large bat signal was projected over the skies of Gotham when Adriana left Bruce's penthouse. He had vanished very quickly after relaying the message about the Joker having escaped from Arkham that evening. The air felt a bit warm and muggy for October and there was barely any wind, but the fog was thick and brightened up the dark sky. Going to the police precinct seemed like an automatic decision as Adriana made her way there on foot. When she arrived a few minutes later she could sense the distress going on inside from blocks away.

"Navarro," Adriana was greeted immediately. "Good evening," Officer Page said.

"Hi, Officer Page," she said.

"I assume you were told what happened," he said. "Less than twenty minutes ago."

"It's not on the news yet?" she asked.

"No," Page answered. "Soon. Within the next half hour for sure. We need to get ahead of this."

"Is Gordon here?" Adriana asked. "Did he go to Arkham?"

"No, he's here," Page replied. "Not for long though, I assume. He may be on the roof."

When Adriana got to the stairwell that led to the roof, two armed guards let her pass. Few people working at the precinct were granted such access.

"Navarro," Gordon said when she opened the door.

"Hello, Commissioner," Adriana said and walked over to him.

Adriana looked up at the signal.

"He's not coming here, is he?" Gordon asked and looked up at the sky. "He's after the Joker."

"I assume so," Adriana answered. "He vanished as soon as he learned what happened."

"As soon as he learned," Gordon repeated she said. "You were with him?"

Gordon looked moderately surprised that she and the Batman happened to be together this evening.

"Well," Gordon said and turned off the signal, making the sky dark again. "In that case. I was going to let him know about the escape before it hit the news. But I assume he has other connections."

"I'm sure he'll find him soon," Adriana said. "Is there anything I can do to help?"

"I am afraid not," Commissioner Gordon said, clearly frustrated. "He escaped on his own. There's no one I can think of to put you with to get information from."

"How did it happen?" she asked.

"Somehow he was able to set off the fire alarms for the entire asylum. The buildings had to be evacuated. While outside, he got a firearm from one of the guards and took him hostage. He was able to back away into a vehicle. We found the guard had been pushed out of the vehicle along the side of the road a quarter mile away and the vehicle abandoned two miles away. The guard is in the hospital now for bumps and bruises, but he doesn't seem to know anything."

"Okay," she said. "I really wish there was something I could do."

"You should do what we will advise everyone to do," Gordon said. "Be careful. Keep your eyes open. Stay at home and lock your doors. Pay attention to the news updates. He could be anywhere."

"Will do," she said. "If you need anything, please let me know."

"Thank you," Gordon said genuinely. 

"So...the signal," Adriana said. "Wasn't just to try to get him to come here."

Gordon looked at Adriana. She was in his thoughts.

"You want the people of the city to get used to seeing it again," she said about the signal he had just turned off. "Since they've turned on him for killing Dent...but seeing the Bat signal now that the Joker's may help them to accept him again."

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