Chapter 100

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"Where did you get this?" DeMarco asked Damien after Damien handed him a wad of cash.

Damien had called him earlier that evening to search through one of the Joker's storage units. There were several of them scattered around the city. Some were actual storage units, some were abandoned buildings or cars. The Joker's former employee Chris, had given him a long list of areas to search through. It had taken months to get through most of the list. Going through the list meant a lot of waiting around to ensure that no one was around, scoping places out, finding ways to break and enter unnoticed. But now Damien was able to dedicate more time, because in the previous search of a boarded-up trailer he found over $200,000 in cash.

"Don't worry about it," Damien said. "You're here to help me look."

"Okay.." DeMarco said, looking at the small garage they were standing in front of. "What exactly are we here to look for?"

"Anything," Damien said. "Anything that could help us find the woman who was working for the Joker."

"Seriously?" DeMarco said. "You're still on that? It's been months! The Joker is dead, they found him in the lake. What does it matter?"

"I doubt he's actually dead," Damien said. "I've been over the coroner's report and the police records a hundred times. That body could have been anyone."

"So, you really think he's out there somewhere," DeMarco said. "But you want to take chances and keep going through his stuff? He could show up-"

"So far, he hasn't," Damien told him. "He's probably left the city by now. But if we find this woman, then maybe we can find him. see the look on Commissioner Gordon's face when we haul his ass back to prison. We will be heroes. We will be in Gotham's history books."

"Listen...I have to work early tomorrow-" DeMarco said.

"So? Count the money I handed you. I'm sure it's more than you make at your $15 an hour security job," Damien told him.

DeMarco looked down and began counting the cash in his hands.

"$5,000?" DeMarco said. "Holy shit man..."

"So, you'll help me? I can give you five grand each time we search one of these places. You can quit your job. We might even find valuables at the sites."

"Uhh..." DeMarco though about it. "Okay. I'm in."

"Okay," Damien said. "I search top to bottom, ever corner, every item is analyzed. I turn these places inside out. That's why it's taken me so long to get through the list of places I have. I don't wanna miss anything. And you have to do the same."

"Got it."




"Busy?" Bruce asked Adriana. She was in his office on his computer staring at the screen.

"Not at all," she answered. "Just watching a video."

"Oh?" he asked, interested.

"Some woman giving birth...just reminding myself what I'm getting into in six weeks," she said.

She was now into her third trimester.

"Are you nervous?" he asked.

"Heck yes," she replied.

"Don't worry, you're strong. You can do it," he said and walked over the computer and stood behind her and looked at the screen. "Oh...okay...perhaps a touch of nervousness is natural in this...situation."

Divination (Joker x Batman x OC)Where stories live. Discover now