Chapter 123: The IG Liking Spree

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Author's Note:

Hello! This is the 3rd day since we all received the best news ever. I'm still smiling to myself as I type this 😂🥰😘

I've seen the number of reads for Our Story surge the last couple of days so I gather quite a few of you are re-reading because of the news. Thank you for re-reading! I always think it's the best compliment 🥰

As a BinJin fan, I'm super thrilled by their confirmation. As the writer of this story, I was surprised to find myself a little mixed. I was initially super happy, because I finally have the perfect ending for the story - the ending I've been dreaming of. Then when I started to write this chapter, i realized it felt different, a little strange actually. Even though Hyun Bin and Ye-Jin have always been real people, I guess it felt more "fictional" when I didn't know that they are really dating. The first few hundred words took awhile to get out and then it started to get easier again. To be honest, I'm still not sure what should be the "right" way for me to feel.

As of now, my conclusion is that as long as I write this fanfic with respect for them and with an intent to only paint a picture of what could have been their love story... it should be okay 😅 (which is what I started out to do anyway)  So anytime anyone thinks any content crosses a line, feel free to raise it. This is my first fic and I honestly have never really considered if there are certain boundaries which I need to be mindful of. In short, I'm open to feedback 🥰❤️ I don't want to over-think it as well so that's how I feel right now until something changes!

Back to the story, this chapter focuses on the IG liking spree... I thought for a bit what could have triggered this action and this is my take. I think it's always part of their plan to show the public that they're one (leading up to the confirmation we just got!) and this was just one of the opportunities that came up. I hope you enjoy the chapter!

Tomorrow's the first work/school day for many people, myself included. Lol, hopefully we can calm down from the news and focus on our day jobs! ❤️ have a great week ahead!

8th June 2020, three days after Baeksang. It was 7am. The summer sun had already risen and the streets were starting to fill up as people started their day.

Hyun Bin and Ye-Jin's bedroom though, was still a scene of tranquility and peace. It was shrouded in darkness thanks to the blackout curtains and the only audible sounds were the faint and rhythmic breathing of the two sleeping individuals.

A rustling of the blanket broke the silence, followed by Ye-Jin abruptly sitting up. She rubbed at her eyes and slowly broke into a wide smile. She lifted her arms over her head and gave it a good stretch. It was finally the day. She's really been looking forward to today!

Hyun Bin, on the other hand, frowned. He had woken up the instant the soft and warm woman he had been hugging slipped out of his embrace. He sleepily opened an eye and saw Ye-Jin stretching enthusiastically. He closed his eye and bite back his smile. Was she really that happy to be going back to work?

He paused for a second and in one fluid motion, sat up, wrapped his arms around her and pulled her back into his embrace. He swung his right leg across her thighs to lock her in place. He tucked her head under his chin and murmured into her hair, "Its still early, we can sleep for another half hour."

Ye-Jin rubbed her cheek against his chest and Hyun Bin smiled. He loved Ye-Jin's little unconscious acts of affections. She let out a contented sigh. It felt wonderful to be in his arms. She felt safe and loved. She felt home.

After indulging herself for one minute, Ye-Jin's eyes popped opened. That said, as nice as it was to be home, everyone needed to go out once in awhile right? Especially if it was for work. Everyone needed to earn their keep.

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