Chapter 67: CLOY - Filming in Jeju Island (Part 2)

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Filming Begins

They finally started filming on the third day. Thankfully, the typhoon had caused minimal damage and they were able to resume filming quickly. Hyun Bin and Ye-Jin were well rested and in high spirits. The team had a lot to catch up and everyone was raring to get started.

Scene 1: Se-ri stuck up in the tree and Jeong-hyeok catching her

As Director Lee ran through the scene with Hyun Bin and Ye-Jin, he tried to explain how Jeong-hyeok should catch Se-ri as she jumped down from the tree.

Hyun Bin jokingly asked, "Is there a reason why Jeong-hyeok needs to catch her? He even ran towards her, it sounds dangerous."

Ye-Jin couldn't help but burst out laughing, "You don't want to catch me." She was incredulous. "Of course you need to catch me."

Hyun Bin playfully pretended to pull back his hands, to avoid catching Se-ri. He laughed when he saw Ye-Jin's eyes narrow slightly at his action.

Ye-Jin responded, "It'll be hilarious if he really doesn't catch me."

When they were finally ready to film, the stunt team hooked Ye-Jin up to the wire. Hyun Bin observed intently and tried to stay away from her. He couldn't control himself and finally walked over to Ye-Jin at the last minute. "Do you feel comfortable?" he asked softly. He also pulled at the clip to see for himself that it was secured.

Ye-Jin knew he was concerned about safety and nodded her head with a big smile, "I'll be fine, don't worry. Just make sure you catch me!" she teased him.

Director Lee was standing next to them and pretended not the notice their exchange. The crew on the other hand, strained their ears to listen to their exchange. Many of them smiled knowingly when they saw Hyun Bin tug on the clip.

Jokes aside, when they actually filmed, it was easy for Hyun Bin to act serious. He was genuinely worried about Ye-Jin hurting herself. Their initial takes were not good though. Ye-Jin did not dare to hold on tight to Hyun Bin for fear of injuring him while Hyun Bin was too stiff as he was afraid he would miss catching her.

After discussions, Ye-Jin told Hyun Bin, "I'm going to hold tightly onto you." Hyun Bin nodded. They tried a couple more takes and once Ye-Jin got the hang of "latching" onto Hyun Bin, the actions started to feel natural. They cleared it after another two takes.

As they moved to prepare for the next scene, Ye-Jin went over to her stylist and motioned to her side. Hyun Bin saw it and frowned, she seemed to be grimacing. Was she injured?

Ye-Jin did grimace slightly. The repeated takes had probably caused the strap she had around her waist to leave an abrasion. Ye-Jin felt a biting pain and asked her stylist if she could take a look. They retreated into a temporary changing corner set up by the crew.

Hyun Bin tried to inconspicuously walk towards the changing corner. He decided the best route was to walk around the crew who were now clustered in the middle of the set, packing up.

At the same time, Dong Wan arrived at the set to look for Hyun Bin. Hyun Bin's mother had called earlier and Dong Wan wanted to let him know. He saw Hyun Bin almost immediately but his hyung was acting oddly. Dong Wan paused to observe him. His Hyung was walking sideways, circling around the group of crew members standing in the middle of the set. Even weirder, he kept looking around himself, as if to check if anyone was paying him attention. To be honest, Hyung looked just like a thief. Dong Wan frowned. He approached Hyun Bin from behind and tapped him on the shoulder.

To Dong Wan's surprise, Hyun Bin literally jumped. This is the same Hyung who didn't flinch when he suffered an injury during filming, the one who served in the marines, the one who's never afraid. He jumped because of a pat?

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