Chapter 69: CLOY - Filming Continues (Part 1)

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Author's Notes: Happy weekend everyone! I had intended to finish this last night but I really couldn't 😂 I had planned to write around some of my favorite scenes for the next maybe three chapters. Its impossible. I re-watched episode 4 last night (which was why the chapter took longer than expected) and every scene felt like a favorite scene. I probably went overboard and this chapter was filled just on episode 4 scenes. Just bear with me, i'll be more selective on the scenes going forward (lol, otherwise, this will run into another 10 chapters just on the drama itself!) Hope you enjoy the chapter!

Filming resumed the day after Hyun Bin and Ye-Jin returned from Daegu. It was now mid-October and they had been told the drama will likely premier in the middle of December. With an actual date to work towards, the pace of filming picked up with a frenzy.

Hyun Bin and Ye-Jin were filming non-stop almost everyday. Morale was generally high and the team worked well together but everyone was exhausted. It didn't help that the weather was turning cold as they approached winter in Korea.

Hyun Bin and Ye-Jin always knew that working on this drama was going to be a test for their relationship. Why? One, in a professional setting, it could be difficult to compromise as their professional expectations would take precedence over their personal relationship. Two, ironically, was the reverse of one, because they had a personal relationship, it could be easy to cross the line when things were not going well.

They considered carefully and ultimately decided to take the challenge. Another way of viewing it, given they were in this relationship for the long run, it would be better to know sooner rather than later if they could not withstand the challenge.

How did they fare?

They have been doing well so far but the real test would be the next few months, as the timelines and pressure tighten. They would learn to accommodate and lean on each other. They would realize that they could find strength in each other when the going gets tough. There would be love, passion and laughter but also irritation, pain and regret. What's important though was that they grew stronger as a couple from the experience. After all, real life was not all roses and champagne. In the future, they would look back at this filming period and smile, grateful for the memories they created together.

Scene 1: Se-ri trying to leave North Korea with her paragliding equipment (Episode 4)

Today's scene was supposed to be straightforward. Jeong-hyeok and Se-ri would be running to the edge of the cliff, where they would jump off and escape using Se-ri's para-glider. The running bit was really the most physically challenging part of the scene. Most of the rest like the falling and actual paragliding would be pulled together with special effects.

Hyun Bin and Ye-Jin were getting ready to film the running scene. They all agreed Ye-Jin should carry the actual paragliding equipment on her shoulders to make the scene look realistic. Ye-Jin was actually the one who first suggested the idea but she was starting to struggle with the weight. The equipment was almost twenty kilograms and it felt like it was increasing with every minute.

They were on standby position, waiting for the final adjustments to the camera. Hyun Bin noticed Ye-Jin adjusting the straps multiple times and asked softly, "Is it too heavy? Let's put it down first."

Ye-Jin smiled and shook her head, "Its okay, we're going to start soon anyway. Its too much hassle to take it off and on."

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