Chapter 64: Hyun Bin's 2019 Birthday

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Author's Notes:
Alert: there's some adult content in the 2nd half of this chapter. Please skip if you wish to. Otherwise hope you enjoy the chapter and have a great weekend!

Ye-Jin's flight from Mongolia landed at 4pm. It felt great to be home. To their relief, no media teams greeted them at the airport. Manager Kim, Ye-Jin and her assistant quickly cleared immigration and hopped onto the awaiting car at the pick up point.

Manager Kim was pleased as punch that Hyun Bin's plan to deflect the media had worked and mentally added another point to him. He had been maintaining a mental score card to judge Hyun Bin's performance. He's doing well so far.

Once Ye-Jin settled into the back seat, she called Hyun Bin's mobile phone. He picked up on the fourth ring.

"I'm on my way home, Tae-Pyung. We just left the airport." Ye-Jin said.

Hyun Bin was in the middle of a meeting with his legal team on the KKM deal. He saw Ye-Jin's number and quickly excused himself to take the call. He smiled when he heard her voice. "How was your flight back? Was the media at the airport?"

"No, everything was very smooth. How are your discussions going?" Ye-Jin asked.

"I'm working with my legal team now. Everything looks alright but I'm double checking some of the details. We'll likely go ahead with it." Hyun Bin updated her.

"I see, will you be working late tonight then?" Ye-Jin asked.

Hyun Bin really wanted to see Ye-Jin but he knew he would be late tonight and didn't want her to wait up for him. She must be tired from the filming last week and the flight home today.

"Yes, I will be late tonight," he said regretfully. "Don't wait up for me alright. I'll see you tomorrow."

"Alright, don't worry about me. Concentrate on your meeting. I'll see you tomorrow." Ye-Jin could hear the longing in his voice and while she missed him, she didn't want to distract him. She knew how important this deal was to him. "Bye!"

VAST Agency - Hyun Bin's office that night

Hyun Bin was sitting at his desk, deep in thought as he stared at a page full of numbers on his laptop. After a moment, he blinked his eyes and took a deep breath. He has been at this for the last three hours and it was fifteen minutes to midnight. His legal team had vetted through the contract and assured him his terms were all covered. In fact KKM had reduced some of the financial requirements to show their sincerity in closing this deal. He was now studying his financials to decide how much to invest in KKM.

He wondered what Ye-Jin was doing. He picked up his phone but hesitated, she was probably asleep. He put the phone down, he'll call her tomorrow morning instead.

Just then, his phone lighted up, it was a message from Ye-Jin.

[Ye-Jin] Are you still in office?

[Bin] Why are you not sleeping yet?

[Ye-Jin] I asked first 😣

Hyun Bin smiled to himself.

[Bin] Yes I am. But I'll leave soon. I'm just wrapping up here.

[Ye-Jin] Have you even had dinner?

[Bin] I did, we ordered in.

Ye-Jin shook her head. She had earlier asked Dong Wan if Hyun Bin had dinner. Dong Wan told her he had offered to buy a proper dinner but Hyun Bin had asked for sandwiches, because that was the easiest to eat while working.

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