Chapter 62: Side Stories (Again)

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Author's Notes: Happy Monday! A light chapter to start the week. Hope everyone enjoys it!
Again, updates will be a little slower with the work week starting. Have a great week!

Story 1: Hyun Bin, VAST and Kaokao M (KKM)

Hyun Bin and Kang Kun Taek have been deep in discussion the last few weeks. Just before Hyun Bin left for Switzerland, they received a proposal from KKM to buy out VAST. In turn, KKM will offer them an option to buy into KKM. From a management perspective, they would be allowed free reign to manage VAST although there were targets for returns and also expectations to collaborate with KKM's directives.

In all honesty, it was an attractive deal. The valuation was attractive, meaning Hyun Bin and Kang Kun Taek would sell out with a good return. Hyun Bin would invest part of that back into KKM. Whilst it was a minority stake, it would still give him some influence on KKM's decisions impacting VAST. KKM was also willing to let them continue to run VAST autonomously, which means there's technically no change in operations. They will have the backing of KKM which likely will give their actors more opportunities. This is an industry where clout matters and this could open more doors for them.

The obvious downside was they would no longer have absolute control over VAST. VAST was their baby and it was hard to give that up. While Hyun Bin was in Switzerland, Kang Kun Taek worked with KKM to lay out the details on how much control KKM will have over VAST's operations and what are the limits of control Hyun Bin and Kang Kun Taek will have.

During his Switzerland schedule, Hyun Bin was frequently on calls with Kang Kun Taek on this matter. They were now in a dead-lock as Hyun Bin was insistent that they have veto rights on KKM's plans regarding VAST. He was willing to put in writing that he would be reasonable before using the veto but this was a baseline for him.

One of the main reasons why he had set up VAST in the first place was to ensure that he would not be forced to do things which he disagreed with in principle. This was critical to him and he would not compromise it, not for himself and not for his team.

Kang Kun Taek agreed and had relayed the message to KKM. They were now waiting for a respond on whether this will kill the deal. Kang Kun Taek was cautiously optimistic. KKM was interested in this deal mainly because they wanted Hyun Bin under their umbrella. He didn't think this condition would be a deal-breaker.

Hyun Bin had been trying to find a suitable time to tell Ye-Jin and he wanted to also hear her views. She was coming over to his place for dinner and this was as good a time as any.

At 6pm, Ye-Jin sailed through his main door. She had bags hanging from her arms and was clearly struggling under the weight. Hyun Bin quickly jumped up and took over the bags.

"You should have called me to meet you in the carpark," Hyun Bin frowned slightly. "These are heavy. What are they?"

Ye-Jin took a deep breath, relieved to be finally free from the bags. She smiled sheepishly, "I under-estimated the bags. It felt fine when i left the car but felt heavier quickly somehow. My mum dropped by my house this morning and brought these tonics for you. She said the weather's going to turn cool soon and asked you to make sure you take a pack a day. Its supposed to make you live forever," Ye-Jin scrunched her nose, obviously not believing her mother's exaggerated claims.

Hyun Bin smiled widely upon hearing that its from his future mother-in-law. "I have to call her later to thank her. I'll definitely finish this."

Ye-Jin laughed at his obvious delight. Ye-Jin was of course glad her mother likes Hyun Bin but even she was surprised by how much her mother likes him. She wondered how he had this ability to charm women of all ages.

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