Chapter 125: Confirmation for Jordan

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Author's Note: Happy mid-week everyone! As mentioned, this chapter is the start of our Jordan era. 😉 This specific chapter is just the beginning, when they first set the date for Jordan... the next couple of chapters will cover the period before he leaves for Jordan.

The side story is based on a reader's feedback that YJ might have spent some time in Daegu while Hyun Bin was away. (Thank you for sharing!) We of course don't know if its really true but this is my spin on why it could have been the case 🥰🥰

Again, thank you all for reading, voting and leaving comments. Lol, Its heartwarming to know that people enjoy this! Have a great rest of week and I hope you enjoy the chapter!

As much as Hyun Bin and Ye-Jin wished it wouldn't, that dreaded day still came.

Hyun Bin had just finished a virtual meeting with the Bargaining production team. He leaned back against the study chair and closed his eyes. His heart was heavy and there was an unfamiliar tightness in his chest. He sighed.

The Bargaining team had finally secured filming permits from the Jordanian authorities. They were in process of finalizing the schedule but they plan for the first batch of crew members to depart for Jordan within the week. It would take about two weeks to coordinate filming sites and set-ups and Hyun Bin and the other actors would hence depart two weeks after them.

Hyun Bin was tentatively slated to leave the second week of July, between 10th to 14th July. With the mandatory two week quarantine period, he would be in Jordan for at least two months.

Everything the production team mentioned was within Hyun Bin's expectations. He had always known he would need to leave Ye-Jin for at least two months. There was no reason for him to feel upset about something he already knew. But knowing that something was going to happen in the future versus knowing exactly when it was going to happen triggered two totally different feelings.

His heart was heavy not only because he would miss Ye-Jin. More importantly, it was heavy because he knew she would miss him.

Hyun Bin stood up from his chair and let out a deep sigh. It was time to tell Ye-Jin.

He left the study and immediately heard the familiar sound of chopping. Ye-Jin must be in the kitchen preparing lunch.

Hyun Bin walked to the kitchen and paused at the entrance. The sight that greeted him made his heart skip a beat. It was by now a familiar sight but it never failed to make him smile.

Ye-Jin had her back to him and he had free reign to observe her. She looked adorable in her buttercup yellow apron, her hair piled haphazardly on the top of her head, secured by what actually looked like a chopstick. Hyun Bin's smile widened and he shook his head. Ye-Jin must have forgotten to pin up her hair before she started cooking, again.

Ye-Jin was now dicing an assortment of vegetables, her movements fluid and efficient. Hyun Bin could hear her humming under her breath. She was clearly in a good mood. She turned and took a quick glance at the pot that was bubbling merrily on the stove. She quickly put down her knife, picked up a bowl of something on the table, poured the contents into the pot and gave it a quick stir. After a moment, she brought the spoon to her mouth for a quick taste. She nodded to herself, obviously satisfied with the end product, turned off the flame and picked up her knife to continue dicing.

Hyun Bin felt a warmth spread through him. He suddenly realized how much they have both changed since they first got together. The changes had happened so gradually and naturally that it was easy to overlook them.

Ye-Jin and cooking was a good example. When they first got together, Ye-Jin had sheepishly confessed that while she was good at baking, she couldn't cook to save her life. The only dish she could prepare was gimbap, if one even considered gimbap a dish. (A/N: Chapter 23)

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