Chapter 172: Side Stories - Golf

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A/N: Hello! I hope everyone is having a good weekend!

This chapter is inspired by the bulky and heavy golf bags they carried on their honeymoon... it struck me how much the two of them must love the game (lol, I don't think I can do it) Hope you enjoy it!

Will move on to the start of wedding planning after this 😍 Thanks again for waiting! I intended to get the chapter out last weekend but ... 🥲 will try harder 😅 Have a great weekend and week ahead!

Golf has a special place in Hyun Bin and Ye-Jin's lives - it wasn't planned but the sport became a constant in their relationship.

Hyun Bin loved golf and introduced it to Ye-Jin, who became determined to master the game. At the early stages of their relationship, they spent many precious hours together at the driving range. As their relationship progressed, Ye-Jin's golf skills also improved and they spent even more hours together at the golf course, creating many cherished memories.

For them, golf was not just recreation. It bore testimony to their journey together and was a constant reminder - love is simple, it's when two people want 'us' to work.

Story 1: Early Golf Lessons

Flashback to spring of 2019, at the driving range

Hyun Bin looked on from behind, his face beaming with pride. After returning from their LA holiday, Ye-Jin officially began golf lessons with him. Like all beginners, they were starting at the driving range. This was only their fourth lesson but she was proving to be a natural.

Ye-Jin pulled her arms back and held her position. Her posture was beautiful - her back lined up perfectly with her driver, her head was fixed in position and her club's angle was just right. She took a deep breath and confidently swung. The driver made a whooshing sound as it sliced through the air.

Then an oddly flat 'thud' sounded. The golf ball jumped off the tee, rolled to the edge of the platform before disappearing over the horizon.

There was dead silence as Hyun Bin and Ye-Jin stared at the ball's final position before it disappeared over the edge.

Ye-Jin closed her eyes and groaned, "This is so embarrassing." Her eyes peeped open. She stole a look at him and asked pitifully, "Is it possible for someone to be this bad?"

Hyun Bin swallowed the laughter that bubbled up as a warm and fuzzy sense of happiness filled him. She's adorable. He had never met anyone like Ye-Jin - she loved so simply and yet so extraordinarily. He didn't find her lack of skills embarrassing. If anything, he loves her more for it.

He pulled her into his arms and said tenderly, "It only makes me love you more."

She grimaced, "Because I'm funny?"

His shoulders shook with laughter. That wasn't the reason but she did have a great sense of humor. He tightened his hug and shook his head, "Because it tells me how much you love me. That makes me love you even more."

Ye-Jin laughed. His words were over-the-top but still sent a sweet thrill through her. "You're getting better at sweet-talking!"

Hyun Bin pulled back, looked into Ye-Jin's eyes and replied solemnly, "You know I'm not good at sweet-talking." He smiled softly and continued, "It's funny actually. For most of my adult life, I've been looking for love - for that someone with whom I will build my family with. Yet, I never knew exactly what is this love I was looking for. Is it a feeling between two persons, bestowed by an unknown destiny? Is it the desire to give everything to someone? Is it the need to own someone?"

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 20, 2022 ⏰

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