Chapter 139: CLOY, Japan and Destiny

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Author's Note:

Happy Friday! Sorry for the wait. This chapter took a bit longer than expected. I didn't realize there were so many Japan related events and had to spend some time searching for information on those events. 😅  Anyway, this chapter is dedicated to all the love Japanese fans had for CLOY 😘

I relied on a lot of the fan's translations for this chapter and wanted to just give credit for their work. I've paraphrased the content but I relied on all the translations which were already done by other fans. I saw many versions but i mainly relied on those posted by celest1al, yejinarm and prnforhappiness (whom i know is a reader here, so thank you!) plenty more I can't name but i probably did see the videos/translations!

Thanks again to @Artiejjie for her editing!

I haven't decided exactly what comes next after this so no heads up this time. It'll be a surprise i guess 😉

Thank you all for reading, liking and sharing your feedback/reactions/ideas! Have a great weekend ahead ❤❤

The Morning After

In Hyun Bin's Apartment

27th September 2020. The room was still dark as the faint glimpse of dawn showed through the gap in the curtains.

Hyun Bin had been up for almost an hour but had kept still, silently observing the sleeping beauty in his arms. His arm was numb, as usual, from pillowing her head all night. Her hands were resting against his chest. Her legs were entwined with his while her feet rested on his calves.

He had really missed her. This was what it felt like to be home. She was his home.

They had fallen asleep only a couple of hours ago and he expected her to sleep through the morning. He smiled as she unexpectedly stirred. Her eyes were closed but her lips curled into a satisfied smile - like a kitten who had got the cream. Her legs slid sensually against his and her smile grew bigger. He wondered what she was dreaming of - he hoped he was in it.

Ye-Jin couldn't recall the last time she slept so well. She was warm, secure and content. It was nice. Still foggy with sleep, she wondered if she had wine last night. Why did she feel so light and fluffy?

Just then, the pillow her head was resting on flexed. Puzzled, she slowly opened her eyes, only to stare straight into Hyun Bin's twinkling ones. Her breath caught as memories of the last twenty hours came flooding back. Hyun Bin could feel Ye-Jin blushing even in the darkness. She self-consciously withdrew her hands from his chest and skittishly moved her legs.

He wasn't having any of that. He brought his right leg over her legs, and simultaneously tightened his arms, trapping her entire body against as he pulled her closer. She was so soft and sweet.

"Good morning," he murmured against her tresses, his deep baritone was both comfortingly familiar and yet so sexy that her heart skipped a beat. She melted.

"Good morning," she whispered, still avoiding his eyes, conscious that her lips brushed lightly against his chest.

He laughed, a deep rumble vibrating across his chest and asked, "Why are you suddenly so shy? Are you the same person who drove here naked?!"

Ye-Jin blushed deeper and hit him lightly on the chest. She was feeling exasperated with herself too. Why did she feel so shy?! A little voice in her head retorted - "Do you really not know? Is it not because for the first time in your life you've stayed in the bedroom for twenty hours straight, doing nothing but different forms of the same activity?!?"

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