Chapter 8 - Dinner & Drinks (Again)

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Author's notes: Just want to say thanks to everyone who read and left comments - i think we're mostly binjin fan's so its easy to appreciate the roles of characters in this story even without me really explaining it :) I'm really enjoying myself as i write this (more than I thought i would). The story is slow to evolve and you can probably tell I'm likely going to do this in chronological order, so it'll be awhile yet before they land up together in this story. Hopefully you guys stick around for the journey :) Any feedback, improvements, just drop a note.

Celebratory Dinner

Given they have a call time of 9am tomorrow morning, dinner was at a beef soup place. Ye-Jin was delighted that they were able to eat inconspicuously at a regular place again.

"Director Lee," Ye-Jin said as they sat down in a corner. "I have to get restaurant recommendations from you. It looks like you know great places where we can eat like regular folks!"

Hyun Bin was observing Ye-Jin's wide range of facial expressions, from shock when they entered the crowded eatery, to surprise when no one seemed to notice them and finally to delight once it sank in. She's really an open book, which is rare for this industry. Also, for someone of her status, it looks like it takes very little to make her happy, he mused.

"Today is one of my happiest days in recent memory," Ye-Jin declared as she slurped the beef soup. "It feels like I've added a special skill to my acting portfolio. I can see all the new things we can try when filming, I'm having great beef soup. I just need a good solid Americano to top it off!"

"Americano with beef soup?" Hyun Bin looked at Ye-Jin. "Sounds odd to me."

"You can't be a coffee person then. I can have coffee anytime, anywhere with anything," Ye-Jin beamed. "I absolutely love premium coffee – don't repeat this to Kim Oppa. He complains my coffee palate is high maintenance, so they restrict me and usually try to just keep me quiet with regular coffee. Don't you think I earn enough to justify the premium coffee? They're being stingy right!"

Hyun Bin laughed. He could tell there was no malice in her complaints. "They're probably trying to get you to cut back on coffee. I can imagine you with caffeine overdose if you get all the premium coffee you want."

Ye-Jin grinned, "Busted, you didn't fall for it. I need to brush up my sympathy act. It's obviously not working."

They all picked up their soju glasses. "Here's to successful filming," Director Lee cheered. "One-shot!"

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